Chapter 2

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Dinah Pov

She check on the girl who fell because of Aaron asshoe friends. The short girl just didn't want to talk and keep walking away from her. So she turn back to the group but she see Normani looking at the short girl with a sad look. Wait is do Mani like this girl because the way she look at her. I have to find out because I hate that douche bag of boyfriend of her. He just using her for her money and sex. He is so wrong for her and she can do better. She walk back to the group till they heard the bell. She had to see if mani like the shorty. She glad that her and mani got a class with out the other two. As much she loves Lauren and Camila but she can find out what going on with Normani.

No one Pov

Dinah and Normani walking to class and they see the short girl in there too. So Dinah went up to her.

Hey shorty agian Dinah say

Ally look and her and wonder why one of the popular kid want to talk to her she nobody.

Ally didn't say anything hoping she get the hint to leave her alone. Normani was hope Ally would talk so she can hear her so sweet voice.

D let just go leave Ally alone if she don't want to talk us. Normani say

Ally was in shock the rich girl know her name. Omg "Ummm you know my name"

Dinah laugh "omg shorty can talk". Normani avoid Dinah comment and look at Ally "yeah I do we had a lot of classes together for few years now." She say and smile

Well I guess I'm Dinah but my friends call me d.

I know you I see you around I say

Umm Ally can we sit next to you if you don't mine Normani say

If you want to sit by a nobody

Hey you not a nobody you got me and Manibear here now.

I can see Normani turn red and she look away from me. Did Dinah made miss popular blush.

Normani Pov

It made my heart breaking that Ally think she a nobody. How can she say that she so beautiful and smart I never see her a nerd. I just didn't have the balls to talk to her why was I a idiot for no talking to here all these years. I find out that she don't have friends and alway alone. Now we go her talking and I grewing more in love with her. Hey ally why don't you come to my house this Saturday I'm going to have a pool party if you want to come?

Ally Pov

Omg did Normani as me to go to a pool party at her house. Im scared on what people think at me in my swimsuit. Ummm I don't know if I can. I say

Come on we going to have fun ally. And you can pick me and Louser and Mila up and we can go to manibear house. Dinah say

Laughing you know Lo going to kill you when she hear you call her that Normani say

Dinah roll her eye she love me and I got Mila to keep here chain up lol. They both smile at me and wait for my answer. I just nodd before the class start...

My little shorty(Normally)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum