Chapter 12

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It been a hour since we clean Ally up and I got in her bed holding on to her. Thinking how people can pick on this shorty so much. It's break my heart seeing her in so much pain. I look at her sleep it look so peacefully. Lauren and Camila w by to camz house because she had to watch Her sister. I stay back because I don't wat to left her alone. I was playing with her hair lost in my thought.

Hey it's not nice to watch someone when they asleep. Ally say

I look at her and her lips iMovie in and kiss her. It took her surprise but she kiss back. We was like the for a few second till we need air. 

We talk and cuddling for two hours then I reallize that I had to go home. I'm still grounded.

Shit I need to go home before my parent get home. Ally took me home and before I leave she kiss me and I run out my parent be her in 5 min so they won't see Ally.

It been four days now that I haven't seen or talk to Normani. I was sad because her parent been home so she can't get out. But I been hang with Lauren and Camila we get closer and it was nice. But it was weird not having the other girls. I don't know how it will be at school when Normani is back and where me and her stand. But I'm at my locker waiting for the girls to come. Then I feel a arm Around my waist I jump.

Sorry babe it just me. Normani say laugh with Lauren and Camila behind her.
I turn around and jump on to her smile. Wait did she call me babe!!

Manibear!!!! I say
I was happy to see her.

Miss me. And she kiss me I seen everyone around us looking. I don't care.

Ummm ally what u doing tonight?
No plan. Why?
How about I take you out for are first date?
On a school night?
If you don't then I can wait.
No!!! It fine what I have to wear? What time?
Something comfortable and I pick you up at 6. Bye.

School was over and I hurry getting ready for my date.

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