He crossed his arms over his chest before beginning his explanation.

"It would seem that while engaging General Grievous, we've spread our forces too thin. Allowing separatist systems once thought secure, such as Geonosis, to rise up against the republic." He paused for a moment before continuing, clearly trying to be cautious about how he phrased his next words.

They had been desperate to find the general and bring him into custody. Not only so that he would be off the playing field, but also so that they could find Helena's location during her captivity.

"Your attack on Geonosis at the beginning of the Clone Wars saved many Jedi, including myself. A great many of us owe you our lives there is no doubt. I know you lost of great deal of men in order to achieve such a victory. The council is also aware of the strain that has been pushed upon you as of late." He turned off the hologram on the table, turning to face her before finishing his statement.

"This is our most desperate hour Master Vorn. A pivotal moment in the Clone Wars. The republic needs you now more than ever to ensure Geonosis does not rise once again. Our forces on the planet's surface are outmatched, with the odds stacked significantly high against them." Helena stared at the floor for a moment while gathering her thoughts.

There was so much at stake. If they lost this battle to the separatist, then the droid factory would be able to produce thousands of droids, no doubt allowing their forces to outnumber that of the republic on multiple systems and outmatch them. She glanced over to the grand master jedi before giving her answer.

"A few weeks ago, you came to see me in the medical center. You meditated with me for hours, enabling me to gain an understanding of the force that I have been struggling with for some time. Since I was a child, I've just felt this sense of unbalance. As if my inner scales of good and evil were in a constant state of change. Having that sense of control enabled me to realise something. Ever since both of you rescued me from the ice all those years ago, I've been lying to myself." Both master Jedi studied Helena curiously, not understanding at all to what she was referring.

"Master Plo Koon brought the subject up during my training, and I truly thought I had let it go. My past that is. I told myself the moment I joined the Jedi Order that I was leaving who I was back on Mandalore behind. That I would no longer follow the Mandalorian path, and instead embrace that of the Jedi." Helena shifted her focus over to Yoda once again.

"It was your words Master that helped me break out of the state the serum put me in. They helped me realised that I was still holding on to my past rather than letting it go and embracing who I am now. Without both of you and the republic, I would not be the person I am today. I know that my integrity has been in question ever since Master Kit Fisto rescued me, but I am ready to get back in the fight. More so than ever before, I am ready to help restore peace as is the duty of all jedi." Both masters shared a look for a moment before turning to face Helena.

"Well, you no doubt have a way with words Master Vorn." Master Windu shook her hand with a smile. "I think it's safe to say you can report to the Resolute," He gave her a wink while gripping her hand "General." He laughed for a moment as she smiled, giving her a comforting pat on the shoulder before exiting the room with master Yoda.

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