Chapter 1

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Helena made her way down the hall of the Jedi temple. After having recovered from her minor injuries sustained on the planet Geonosis, she had been summoned to the council room. For what purpose she had no idea. Perhaps she would finally be receiving command of her clone legion. 

During the battle of Geonosis, she had led a massive portion of the battle alongside Grand Master Yoda. The victory had not only been thanks to the bravery of the clone troopers she had fought alongside, but also due to her ability to think quickly on her feet. Had it not been for a combination of the commands given by the Jedi knight and the clones, the battle would not have been so easily won.

The Mandalorian Jedi had certainly earned a name for herself amongst the clones. During the battle, it was almost as if something had come over her. Perhaps it was the Mandalorian warrior she had kept buried so deep within herself for so long. The role of leader had come to her naturally. For most of the battle, the Jedi had fought alongside clones on the front lines, tearing through droid after droid. 

When the battle was won, she had fallen to her knees exhausted. As the adrenaline had left her system, her injuries began to sink in, causing her to pass out and immediately be rushed by the clones to a healing facility. Helena had been surprised to learn that some of her colleagues like Obi-wan had already received their command of a clone legion before her. She thought that surely with her victory on the battlefield she would have been given command straight away.Despite the two claiming otherwise, everything still remind a friendly competition between the two. Which is why she had hoped to receive her command before him.  

While she was all for the Jedi being given the rank of general and commander, the concept also scared her. The position hadn't been placed upon the Jedi since the Mandalorian wars, a time that had left a permanent scar on the Master Jedi. Helena only hoped that this wasn't a sign that history was repeating itself. 

She came to a stop, finally having reached the doors of the council room. The door opened allowing the Jedi to enter the circular room. She stood in the center of the room while bowing her head to the Grand Master who sat in his chair. 

"Greetings Master Vorn. Healed from your injuries, are you?" Helena nodded her head before answering him. 

"Yes Master, I apologise for not coming sooner, the medical droids were very insistent in checking over my injuries again before letting me leave."The masters around the circle chuckled.  

They knew that there must have been a reason the droids wanted to check over her. The female Jedi was often neglecting her own wellbeing and ensuring the safety of those around her first. 

"Glad to see you in good health we are. Need your strength you will for your next assignment." Master Windu sat forward in his chair, placing his hands on his face. 

"Your involvement on the ground during the battle of Geonosis demonstrated that you are more than fit to command a clone legion. Were it not for your strategies used on the ground, our casualties would have been double the amount there is no doubt."Helena bowed her head at the Master Jedi. 

"While your compliments are appreciated master, I was only doing what needed to be done. It's the clones who should be given praise for their efforts not me. Am I to be assigned a clone unit then?" The masters around the circle shared a glance before answering my question.

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