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A/N Hi everyone! Its-a-meeee! Tcpbjtaak! I just wanted to say that I wrote this story a long time ago, and thought..... What the heck! So here is my trashy work! : ) btw I don't own this song, I just like it!!!! Hope you will too!

~Max's Perspective~

It was another chaotic day at camp today. I have had enough of these shitty adventures to last me a whole goddamn lifetime! I got a migraine, and if Space kid asks me to guess how many stars I think there are in the fucking sky again, I swear to Zemug, he's gonna be up close and personal with one of them!

I finally managed to sneak away from David's supervising eyes. We are all outside now, looking at different berries to see which ones are "poisonous" and which are edible. Like we're really going to be put in a situation where we have to live like a fucking caveman and survive in the forest. Now is the best time to escape this torture, and I know just where to go. We were pretty close to the mess-hall and I took it as an opportunity to slip around the back and walk to the counselor's cabin.

A couple of days after I got dumped off at this hellhole, I made a small manhole right beside the counselor's cabin. I figured if I had to stay here, I might as well get comfortable. That's where I get David's phone and Gwen's diary. Usually, they keep me satisfied, but today I think I'll look for something a little more interesting.

The opening is covered on the outside by some big rocks I found in the woods. On the inside, David's bed is covering the hole, but just in case he happens to move the bed someday, I keep the wooden floor planks there. It's kind of like a hidden door. I carefully and quietly moved the rocks just enough for me to squeezed my way through the opening. Once I'm in, I lift the planks and crawl out of the hole. I put them back in place then crawl from under the bed. I dusted myself off and checked outside the window to see if anyone might have been looking. Once I know the coast is clear, I take a look around the room, proud of how sneaky I am. My gaze wanders to the small file cabinet under the desk. What do we have here, I wonder?

I walk over to the cabinet and find myself thinking. I have seen some of the stuff in here, but I never really took the time to look for anything. I opened the top drawer. There are only files of old receipts here, boring I think. I opened the second drawer, there were some old VHS tapes and porno magazines in this one, nothing new. Then I got to the third drawer. Now, this is what I call interesting! It was files of not only the campers, but also the files of Gwen, David, and even the quartermaster.

My hand instantly went to David's folder. Now I can see who the real David is! I think to myself. There is no way on earth that this stupid 24-year-old CHILD is so happy-go-lucky all of the time.

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