Blueberry Crumb Bars

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Sorry for the late post. I got lazy and didn't think that anyone was really reading this so I kind of stopped. But now I'm back! Please Enjoy. *P.S Video is not mine : )*

~After David's shower~Well, that was refreshing. I thought as I stepped from the bathroom into the much cooler bedroom. I wear my loose light blue shorts and a white t-shirt with a pine tree on it. I am also holding Max's now folded clothing. I sat them down on the night table. Gently, I climb onto the bed, under the covers, and put a pillow in between myself and Max. I know how he doesn't like personal contact. The warmth from his body heat feels nice. I can't remember the last time I felt this from another person.For a little while, I just stared at the back of Max's head. His poofy hair smooshed up against the pillow. His steady and tiny breaths. It was quite mesmerizing. Gradually, I fade into darkness.

~Max's Perspective~I woke up to the feeling of something heavy on my side. Ugh, I groaned. I told Neil to warn me before he came over here. I turn over, ready to push him off of my cot, but realized that I was in David's bed, and his arm was on me. I shuffled out of his reach blushing wildly. Why was he touching me?! I thought. Why was I blushing?! I raised my hand to my cheek and felt how warm it was. 'Get a fucking grip dummy!' I told myself. I quietly got out of the bed and walked over to the other side. I checked to see if David was still asleep by whispering his name. "David," I say a little close to his ear. After no reaction, I take the opportunity to ask my questions.A couple of years ago, I heard that the only way to get the truth out of someone was to either get them drunk or talk to them in their sleep.Since I don't think Mr. Goody-two-shoes ever drinks, this was the only other option. 'God I hope this works.' I told myself. I bent back over and started whispering questions."Hey David," I say in a charming tone. "A-are you possibly a virgin?" I wait for a sec hoping that he didn't wake up. After a long moment, he mumbled back. "Gwen, we've been friends for a long time right?" I think that he thinks I'm Gwen. "Yes," I responded. "I would consider us friends." I can see a small smile form on his lips as he continues. "Well don't laugh, but, yes, I am still a virgin." To be honest, I was a little astonished to hear that he still had his v-card. I mean he's 24 and he still hasn't gotten laid yet? I brush it off and continue with the questions."So, you've never wanted to get laid or anything like that? Or are you one of those "Wait 'till marriage" kind of people?" He furrows his brows like he is thinking of an answer and then says, "I-it's kind of a mixture of both really. I would like to wait until I find the right person to settle down with, but at the same time I don't want to be that patient sometimes, you know?""Yeah, sure Davey." I say.'"What did you say?" he asked as soon as I responded. Nervously, I said. "I said yeah, sure David."I mentally slapped myself for using his nickname. Only me and Cambell really call him that. "Well, I'm going to go check on the campers, Gwen," David says. Before he says anything else, I cut him off. Asking him one more question. "Hey David, before you go, I have one more thing to ask you.""Yes, Gwen?" he says."I hesitantly ask, "A-are you possibly gay?" There is another long hesitation as he comes up with an answer. "Was it that obvious?" he asks looking very embarrassed. I don't know why, but I feel myself reddening again. "N-no! It was just a hunch." I said trying to keep my composure. "Well, It was nice chatting with you Gwen, enjoy the rest of the day off! And don't worry about the kiddos, they're safe with me." I finally back up from David's ear and let our conversation play out again in my head. I mean, that does explain why he acts like a sugar cookie. I'm not upset by that though. I mean, it's his life.I look at his hair spread out against his pillow and it reminds me of an autumn tree. 'So peaceful.' I think. For a moment, I found myself reaching out to brush it then instantly retracting myself. 'What am I doing?' I think. Quickly I went around to the other side of the bed and climbed in. For the rest of the night, I lay facing the window. I don't believe I'll be able to sleep facing David. I don't know why though. I mean, It's not like I'm gay... Right?! I don't know when, but eventually, I managed to fall asleep.

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