Gossipy Schoolgirl

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~Max's Perspective~

*The video and music above is NOT MY WORK* all credit goes to the creators of both the show and the compilation video.* Please enjoy :3

I make sure to grind myself against his groin a little more so that he is extra embarrassed. I know that he likes it because as soon as I do it again, he squeezes his eyes shut and lets out a barely audible moan. "Max, p-please stop that!" He tries to use a firm tone but it is too shaky to be taken seriously. "Stop what?" I ask as I grin mischievously. He huffs and rolls his eyes frustratedly and decides to just stab the fork into a piece of pancake. To be honest, I half expected him to push me off of him but he didn't. The poor stupid dumbass. I decide to ease up and just chill. I let him feed me a couple of bites of food before looking up at him. He still had a blush on his face but he was "focused" on the food, trying to avoid my gaze. I scoot back a little farther and rest the back of my head on his chest. It was nice and firm but soft and warm as well. "You know, you make a pretty comfortable chair," I said, giving him a smirk. "U-um, thank you, Max?" He questioned a bit confused by my random statement. "You know what I just remembered?" I asked while taking another bite from the fork. "What?" I could feel his muscles start to relax and it made me a little happy. "We never got to eat our dessert. I'm pretty sure we have to make it again though, right? It's been in the fridge for a couple of days now. I wanted to eat it while it was fresh." He gives me a piece of sausage. "I'm sorry we didn't get to eat ours, Max. I know you were looking forward to it."

I roll my eyes. "It's not like you broke my arm." He got quiet again so I decided to just relax and close my eyes. After all, it was still pretty early.

~David's perspective~

I felt a pit begin to grow in my stomach. I feel disgusted with myself right now. Here I am sitting with a child in my lap and allowing him to make inappropriate movements on me. I begin to think that I am no better than my scumbag father. Unfortunately, I can't blame my actions on him. After all, I am an adult who knows what's right and what's wrong. I should know more than anything what it feels like to be taken advantage of. Nausea washes over me and for a moment, I start to spring up from the table but instantly stop because I remember that Max is here. I was about to tell him to kindly get off of me until I saw that his eyes were closed. I wonder how he slept last night? Well, since he was resting, I might as well eat my food. It has gotten cold now but I don't mind.

~Time skip to activities because I low-key don't know what to put next :3 ~ (Still David's perspective)

Today's activity was painting. I'm glad it was a relatively normal activity. Gwen and I set the stuff up and let the kids do their own thing. As we waited. "So, how's Max's arm doing?" She asks as she takes a sip of lemonade from her glass. "He's still as lively as ever. Sometimes he moves so fast, I begin to question if I'm old or not!" we both chuckled. It was true, chasing after kids all day can really wear a person out. I wouldn't trade it for the world though. "That's good to hear... I see he's become a little closer to you too." My blood ran cold after that statement. "W-what do you mean silly. You must be seeing things." I gulp and try to laugh it off. Then she smirks at me. What does she know? "David, I think that Max might have a crush on you." She whispered into my ear like a gossipy schoolgirl. I burst out laughing at the unexpected remark. Some of the nearest kids turned their heads but luckily Max and his friends were a little farther away. "You really think he has a crush on me?" I asked her softly. I didn't want any of the others eavesdropping on this conversation. I guess she got the message because she dropped her voice as well. "Well duh, dude. I've watched too many sappy romance movies/shows to know when someone has a crush on someone else. It's so cute! Like a kid having a crush on his teacher!" She was getting louder and louder until I had to calm her down. "Gwen, I don't think it's that big of a deal. Don't those things usually... Fade away?" I didn't really like talking about Max's feelings right now. I'm still trying to bury my own developing ones. If anything, I'm the one with the crush. Of course, I could NEVER tell her that. "Sometimes," She starts. "But most of the time, you have to let the kid down softly." I gently smile. "Don't worry Gwen, I know exactly what to do!" I say confidently. Really, deep down I have no idea what to do. Unfortunately, a little part of me deep down really wanted to believe that what she about his crush was true. Maybe it'll make me feel better about liking him.

*Thank you all for your patience with me! I really fell off and I feel like kind of a dick for that so my bad. I really am trying to get my schedule together you all! I love every single one of you who had made it this far into the story!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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