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I know this is late. I really want to continue this story because I have so many ideas for the plot, but I am so slow with the uploads (for both stories). I will continue to post but from now on just keep expecting random updates. Sorry again! Please don't be too upset! *ART AND CHARACTER ABOVE IS NOT MY WORK*

~Still Max's Perspective~

As we ran around the camp attacking each other with our water guns, I had a clever idea. I ran to one of the water stations in the forest. Once I got there, I loaded as much water as I could into my gun and started climbing a nearby tree. The water gun had a strap attached to it, so it was easy to climb the tree quickly and without anyone noticing. Why didn't I think of this earlier! I camp by the water station until my first victim walked by. I should say, she tried to walk by undetected. Nerris had her cloak up to shield herself. "My cloak of invisibility will protect me from those nasty goblins." I heard her say to herself. She fills her water gun up and tries to hide inside a nearby bush. Right when she turns her face around, I blast her! She screams and runs away spewing all kinds of stupid nerd words. I laugh my ass off before I slip a little.

My soul left my body for a split second before I death-gripped the branch I was on. "Shit!" I say out loud before wrapping my legs around the branch for extra support. "Gotta be careful." I prepare for the next target. I don't think Nerris saw where the water came from when she ran away, so I think I'm safe. Just In case, I reached up to pull down a branch for more coverage. Of course, I couldn't reach it by like an inch. I slowly unwrap my legs and prop my knees on the unsteady branch.


I instantly froze. My brain goes into maximum overdrive as I freak out. I need to get down now! My eyes dart to the ground as I realize how far up the tree I was. Maybe if I slowly scoot back, the branch won't... CREEK. Whatever I do, I need to think fast. I slowly bend down and grab the branch. As soon as I do, I start shuffling back as quickly and carefully as I can.


That was the last loud sound I heard before everything spiraled, then went black. I came in and out of consciousness. Hearing someone scream. Then darkness. Hearing the forest ground crunch as people ran toward me. Then darkness. Hearing David shouting my name as tears stream down his face. Then darkness. The sound of an ambulance. Then darkness.

~David's perspective~~Time skip to the hospital~

My foot shakes at 80 miles per hour as I sit in the waiting room in the hospital. It's all my fault. Tears well up for the 10th time. If I hadn't contacted my dad the first time, he wouldn't have even sent those stupid toys, and if the toys never came, Max wouldn't have thought about climbing that tree, and if he didn't climb the tree.....I'm so stupid! Stupid! STUPID! STUPID! I'm on the verge of pulling my hair out of my scalp when a firm hand squeezes my shoulder. I look up, startled. "Y-yes!" It was the doctor. He looked like he might have been in his late 50's early 60's. "Are you Maxwell Vipin's father?" He asked.*Just gave him an Indian last name meaning Forest! Hope it's alright with you all. I mean no offense.*

At first, I was confused because I had never seen or heard Max's last name before, but when I realized the doctor was talking about him, I shook my head. "No sir. I am his camp counselor." He nods his head in understanding. "Well, there is some great news and some not-as-good great news. Which would you like to hear first?" I dreaded the second option but asked for it first to get it over with. "Well, Max suffered a minor concussion and a broken right arm." I started to go into another panic attack before the doctor continued. "BUT," he started. "He is doing well right now and is laying patiently on his bed for someone." He looked at his clipboard and then back at me. "Are you David?" He asked. "Y-yes," I said nervously. "Max said that he wanted to see you." I quickly got up and looked over the doctor's shoulder at the door leading to Max's room. "Thank you so much, sir!" I said, about to leave."Hold on Mr. David." I turned around with a quizzical look on my face. "Sorry, but I need contact information for Max's parents. I need to call in the incident." I turn around and whip out my phone. "I'm sorry, but they didn't leave much information when they dropped him off. Let me just call my co-councilor. She might know more than me." He nods. "I'll just be in the restroom. Please excuse me." He said as he left. I dialed Gwen and waited for her to pick up. Two rings in, and she answered.

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