Delivery Guy

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*The song and image above DOES NOT belong to me!!! I am just a huge sucker for the Trolls movies (I drool over Branch lmao)*

I know it's been a while and no I don't have an excuse >m< Here is a little chapter that I was working on (slowly) As you're reading this, I'll most likely be watching Trolls Band Together! Thank you all for your patience with me! I know how frustrating it can be to wait for people to make more content! Please feel free to comment anything! (Even if it's mean. IDC) Now, on to the story!

~Max's Perspective~

I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THAT! Shit! I glanced down at my hands and they were shaking like crazy. What in the hell would possess me to do such an intrusive thing? And the worst part about it was that I was thinking of David the entire time! I consider banging my head against the sink until I pass out but I suck it up and just clean my hands. Of course, it was a little aggravating since one of my hands was bandaged. After about another minute of internally cursing myself out, I stepped out of the bathroom lowkey afraid to look at David.

Luckily he was at the door getting our food. The delivery guy was a light-skinned man who was a couple of inches taller than David. He had long, wavy, black hair that was tied up in a ponytail, sticking out the back of the uniform cap. As far as I could tell, he was good-looking. He was grinning and chatting with David until he made eye contact with me. I sat down in the chair as I saw him scribble on David's receipt before waving goodbye. A small bubble of envy swelled up in my gut. How dare that hoe try to make a move on David. He probably wasn't even his type anyway. David closed the door with his foot and sat the food down on the desk before slipping the paper into his pocket. I grunt as I roll my eyes in annoyance. How stupid do I look getting jealous of a delivery guy? He walks into the bathroom to wash his hands before coming back out. David shuffles through the bag and pulls out my food to hand to me. "Thanks," I mumble, peeling the wrapper off of my burger. "No problem." He exclaims after getting his food.

He sits at the desk and we both start to eat. "So, what were you two talking about over there?" I questioned David as I took another bite of my burger. "Oh, he was just asking how it felt being a camp counselor. He also gave me his number in case I needed a little extra help. Apparently, he does "side gigs" and will do just about "anything".

I tsked in annoyance. "You know he was making a pass at you right?" He looked down at his feet. The blank expression was present on his face. "I know...." He doesn't say anything else about it so I don't either. I do however feel even more agitated. We finished our food and cleaned up before David sent me off to my tent. On my way, I couldn't help but wonder if he really was interested in the delivery guy. I mean, David doesn't exactly scream top. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a bottom or maybe even a switch.

The more I thought about it, the more I started making up stupid scenarios for David's love life. This eventually ticked me off so much that I officially decided that I wouldn't let anyone have him. No one knows how much of a looser he is and I damn well know how annoying he can be when someone breaks up with him. When you really think about it, I'm actually doing him a favor. I'll keep him single... At least until I leave this god-forsaken hellhole.

~David's Perspective~

~Morning Time~

I woke up feeling pretty good today. I have to admit when Max left out of the cabin, I kind of felt relieved he was gone. I wasn't upset with him but with myself for how I behaved yesterday. It was very irresponsible of me to do what I did. After getting ready, I couldn't help but grab the receipt I got from that guy yesterday. To be honest, I'm not really interested in him. His personality kind of reminds me of Mr. Campbell and that rubs me the wrong way.

Of course, I didn't want to tell Max that because he's just a kid but a small part of me wanted to tell that man that he could piss off. I wasn't really looking for someone to date right now anyway. I have my hands full with these darn kids. Especially Max. I enter the mess hall excited to get my breakfast and think of something other than my feelings for once. Quartermaster was serving pancakes, sausages, and bacon. Pretty nice meal if I do say so myself. One thing I am really happy about is that ever since Mr. Campbell stopped running the camp, I could really see an improvement in the quality of almost... Everything.

I chuckled to myself and sat down at a table in the corner of the room so I could observe everyone as I ate. Nerf almost shoved 4 whole bowls of spaghetti into Space Kid's helmet and dared him to eat it without any hands. Needless to say, that didn't end well. Sometimes I don't know why these kids do the things they do.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Max come in followed by Neil and Nikki of course. Everyone briefly looks up at him but goes back to eating after he glares at them. Neil grabs a tray for himself and another for Max and puts food on both. As I watch the two, I smile to myself. It's good to know that there are others here who are willing to help Max out, even if he doesn't necessarily show gratitude back. Max takes his tray with his good hand and talks to Nikki and Neil. They are too far away for me to hear them but they both nod and head over to their usual table. Max, however, walks over to my table.

A small wave of panic rushes over me as he approaches my table. He doesn't say anything as he sits beside me and starts eating. "You know, It's rude to stare at people from across the room." He said as he stabs a breakfast sausage and takes a bite out of it. "S-sorry," I say as I look down at my own untouched food. Nikki speeds walks over with a blue mug and hands it over to Max. "YOU FORGOT YOUR COFFEE!" She smiled like a puppy handing her master the newspaper. "Thanks, Nikki." He replies as he takes the mug and places it on the table. She nods and scampers off back to the table where Neil was at. "You have some good friends." I chuckle. "Psh, they're just my lapdogs. All you have to do is act like your approval has meaning and they'll willingly follow you." He states as he picks at his food. I furrow my eyebrows at his comment and brush it off.

I start to eat my food and we sit and watch everyone in silence. "Why did you come over here to eat?" I asked, breaking the silence but not my gaze from the others. "I don't know, Just felt like it." He takes a sip from his mug and looks at me. "Do you not want me to sit with you? I thought you liked me." Dramatically, he stretched his left arm across his forehead and leaned back a little. "Of course, I enjoy your company!" I reply, instinctively reaching my arm behind him to make sure he doesn't fall. "It's just a little surprising you're not hanging out with Neil and Nikki." I finally looked at him and saw that he was struggling to hold his fork right. I forgot, that his right hand is his dominant hand. I scoot his tray towards me and cut his pancakes into smaller pieces with my butter knife. "HEY! I don't need your help." He protests but I ignore him and cut his sausages up as well. "Do you want me to feed it to you as well?" I asked, half enjoying his little tantrum.

He blushed a little but was still determined to test me. "As a matter of fact, YES!" He started to climb on my lap and plopped down. "Here, let me help you!" He smirked mischievously. I was now the one in the hot seat and regretted even testing how far his antics would go. He was a natural at instigating situations. "Max! Get down." I panicked as my eyes darted around to see if others were looking. Luckily everyone was preoccupied. "Nope." He said as he shuffled around to sit more comfortably. I froze a little because the friction was starting to feel good. "I'm waiting." He said before opening his mouth.

So sorry for the short chapter! Again, I want to wish you all a happy holiday! ALSO, My family got a dog! We named him Rudy. Honestly, I'm not too fond of the name but everyone else seems to like it lol. See you later my little campers!!!

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