Burgers and Fries

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Hey everyone, I have edited this chapter a total of 32 times! Kept Brainfarting. Anyways, enjoy the story. *The image above is not my work!*

~David's Perspective~

We got validation for Max to leave the hospital about an hour after sitting in the room watching PBS. The doctor briefed me that Max needed to take an NSAID twice every day to make sure the pain is reduced. He needs to try to move around but not overexert himself. The doctor then handed me his medication and went over when the best time was to give Max his medicine and that his parents should come and pick him up as soon as they could. "Just make sure you observe him carefully in case the medicine has any peculiar or negative side effects." He said while tearing off a slip of paper to hand to me. "Take this, contact me if you have any questions or concerns." I nod my head and thanked him before heading off with Max.

As we drove off from the hospital, Max rested his head on the window and looked at the passing trees. "Y'know, my parent's probably aren't coming any time soon right?" Keeping my eyes on the road, I ask, "Why do you say that?". Chuckling, he just smiled and continued to watch the whirr of trees and sky go by. The rest of the ride was quiet but not uncomfortable. The silence was actually pleasant for once. Being alone with my thoughts was usually never a good thing. I am glad I could glimpse over at him. It was my confirmation that someone was there other than my reflection in the window.

As we pulled into camp, I let out a small sigh I didn't know I was holding in. Max had fallen asleep and I would feel bad if I woke him up so, I walked over to his side of the car and picked him up, to carry him inside my cabin. Gently laying him on the bed, I took his shoes and socks off along with his arm sling and hoodie. Once I put them on the nightstand, I tucked him in and headed to Gwen's cabin. Once I got there, I explained to her what the doctor told me. I also told her that I would be Max's caretaker since she helped Ered the last time this sort of thing happened. She seemed fine with that and I left. I walked around the camp for a bit, not wanting to go into the woods now since the sun was setting. It was a good time to let off some stress.

What I didn't tell Gwen was that it was my fault that Max got hurt. I will take full responsibility for that at least. Right now, I swear that I'll take care of him. I smile to myself. "I'll be the best caretaker there ever was!" I yelled out loud. I will make this right.

I looked at my watch. A quarter to seven. The other campers are probably finishing their dinner right about now. Just as I said that the doors to the mess hall burst open as children flowed out. I walked towards them, and Nikki and Niel ran at me. "WHERE'S MAX!" Nikki shouted. "OH, DEAR GOD! HE'S DEAD ISN'T HE!" Neil shouted in panic. I calmed them both down and clarified to them that he was just napping in my cabin. "Do you guys want to see him?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "YES!" They shouted in sync. I chuckle and started to walk back with them. "Now, when we get there, you can't overwhelm him. He had a pretty nasty fall so try to be quiet alright?" They nod as we approach the door. For some reason, I am just as anxious as I was in the hospital. I guess I'm still a little shaken up about the whole thing. I open the door to find Max still sleeping on my bed. He managed to kick the blanket completely off, straddle one of the pillows and wrap his arms around it like a koala. He was so precious I was sort of envious of the pillow he was on top of. As I thought that, I avert my eyes before I have any other perverted thoughts. Niel walks over and gently shakes his shoulder. "Max," Niel whispers. He doesn't budge. "MAX!" Nikki hollers as she leaps on his back. "WHAT THE FUCK NIKKI!" Max shout's as he shoves her off of him. "N-NIKKI! What did I say!?" I half ask half scold at her. "But he wasn't waking up!" She tried to counter. Niel just face palms and then smacks the back of her head. "Max has a concussion, you nitwit. Knock it off!" Max slowly sits up and looks around for a second before grabbing his hoodie off the dresser. "And you." He says, pointing at me. "Don't fucking strip me again." I gasp in surprise. "N-No! I was just-" Niel scoffs. "Max! He was trying to help you! Also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't want your crusty shoes on his bed. Also, It was just your hoodie, It's not like you're just in your underwear!" Max rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry Max," I apologize. "Though it was just your hoodie, it was still not appropriate for me to take off your clothes." "Whatever," He says as he hops off the bed. He reaches for his sling and I ask if he needs any help. "Whatever." He says again as he gives me the sling. He slides his arm into the sling and I wrap the strap around and across his shoulder blade, then clip it together. "See! Easy-peasy!" I say with a smile. "Thanks."

"Now that you got your stuff on, let's go see if there is any more food left for you!" Nikki says excitedly. "Oh no you don't," I counter. "I'll take him. You two need to get to your tents. It's-" I pause and look at my watch. " 7:35 and you need to be getting ready for bed." The two groaned and tsked their lips. "See you later Max," Niel said. "And don't forget to bring some snacks back!" Nikki finished. "Come on," Niel said as he smacks her head again. "FINE!" She shouted, running off.

~Max's perspective~

Finally, they're fucking gone. I mean, don't get me wrong, I missed them too! It's just, they're so loud sometimes. Right now I have a headache and I'm starving. "What's for dinner?" I asked David as I leaned against the edge of the bed. "What are you in the mood for?" He replies with a stupid smile on his face. I thought for a second. What did I want? "Burgers and fries," I said more to myself than him. He nods and starts to head out. "W-Where are you going?" I ask, sounding a little too desperate for my liking. "To make the food silly!" He says with a giggle like I asked a ridiculous question. "You know you can just order it right?" I told him with a duh face. "Oh! Yeah sure thing." He pulls out his phone and scrolls before handing it to me. "Just choose a place and whatever you want, you can get." I take the phone and scroll through the app before finding this really good-looking burger joint. I eventually picked the mushroom and Swiss cheese double quarter pounder with a large fry and Sprite. "Here you go," I say as I hand him the phone back. He walks over to the bed and belly flops on the cover while choosing what he wanted to eat. After he got done, he rolled over and said the food will be here in 15-20 minutes. I nod and climb onto the bed beside him. "Ummm," I start. "Do you think I can get some medicine? My head is kind of throbbing. My arm's not feeling any better too." I hold it up as if he could magically see the pain in my arm. He gently wiggles my fingers playfully before checking his watch. "I'll go out and get it. I left the bag in the car." He says as he sprints off. I lay on my back as I wait for him to come back. I can smell the faint scent of David. Subconsciously, I turn over and close my eyes as I bury my face in the linen trying to soak in the smell of the forest and some foreign cologne. I didn't even notice he wore cologne. I close my eyes and imagine him waking up and stretching before heading to the shower then getting his clothes on and doing his hair. Brushing his teeth and spraying a little mist of cologne in the air above him before leaving. For some reason, my mind rewinds to him taking a shower. Slowly stripping his clothes off to reveal the faint freckles splayed across his shoulder blades. He was actually pretty defined. Sharp, wide shoulder blades with smooth and toned biceps that were well built after years of climbing. His legs were just as nice, with calves as hard as steel and thighs that are gentle but firm. I guess being a nature guy has its perks. I imagined him stepping into the shower, his hair drooping as the water pours down onto him. I realize he looks pretty good with his hair down. He picks the soap up and rubs it gently in the rag to get suds before massaging his body from head to toe. My face heats up as I imagine him slowly descending his body. Delicately rubbing his cock and balls with a faint blush on his face from the stimulation. He would step further into the water to rinse the suds off before gently grabbing his dick in his hand and lightly rubbing the head of it as if it was a feather. Shivering, he would grab his shaft and slowly began to pump it. By then, he would have a full blush from the stimulus. Groaning he would stroke a little faster as he hunch over and spread his legs a bit wider to feel more comfortable. One arm holding the wall in front of him for support. The water above steadily flowed across his back. The faster he went, the more he panted. His tongue is out like a dog as strings of saliva form, dripping and blending into the shower water down below. "~Maaaaaaax.~" He would moan before pumping his hand full of jizz as the excess spattered the wall in front of him.

I sat straight up, snapping back into reality. "W-what the f-." My head snaps up to see David walking back in with a small white plastic bag. Shit! I quickly snatch a pillow and cover myself due to my fucking boner. I can't believe that my first time getting an erection, I was thinking about David fucking jerking off in the shower! He stops in his tracks and looks at me surprised. "Max, are you alright? Your cheeks are all red!" He scoots beside me and feels my forehead. "Hmmm, you do seem warm. Maybe I should check the side effects of the pills before giving you any." He takes the bottle of medicine out of the bag and scans the label. I take this as an opportunity to scooch back and squeeze the pillow tighter. There is no way he's finding out about my boner. 

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