Did You Miss Me?

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 Hey, my little campers! I've missed you all! Sorry for my long break (I know you're getting tired of hearing that)I have some good stuff for you all tonight! it's 6:50 pm rt now here. I won't hold you up for long! Enjoy the story! *Also this part of the story may contain some suggestive material that may make some people uncomfortable so if you don't like it, don't read it. I'm sorry* P.S.- THE PICTURE/VIDEO ABOVE IS NOT MINE!!!

~Still David's Perspective but he's finally at the manor.~

I look up at the ridiculously large house and see that the kitchen lights are on. Through the huge stained glass window, I can see a figure (Assuming to be my father) approaching the front door before I even knock.

My dad opens the door with a smile as big as the sun. My father was and still is a very handsome man. He had been in several famous magazines and even was a guest star in several famous shows. He has a chin so sharp, you could grate cheese on it. He has your typical faux hawk haircut with an ombre of silver roots to auburn red tips and frosty royal blue eyes. Believe it or not, It's completely natural. He was well built, 6'3. He wasn't balding and was still quite young to be as successful as he is. 46 years old and still as healthy as ever.

"DAVID!" He exclaimed as he reached out to hug me. I tense at the seemingly normal interaction between a father and son. "I'm so glad you could make it!" I peeked inside the house. It looked like he had some guests. Two pairs of couples. They both looked around my father's age. For as long as I've lived with my mom and dad, people have always tried to befriend them for their money. I remember when I was little and my father would have these big fancy parties. Rich men and women would come over pretending to be nice to everyone because they all knew that there were expensive alcoholic beverages and high-class charcuterie boards. I even saw this man steal a small Fabergé egg from the dining room table. Of course, my dad had seen him as well but didn't even stop him. After that, I never saw that man come to any more parties.

"Hey dad," I say plainly. I want to leave as quick as possible. I pulled out the card the kids signed and handed it to him. "Well, if this is all you wanted, then I'll be leaving now," I say with a courteous smile. My dad gave a loud bubbly laugh. "What's the rush kiddo, you just got here!" Everyone at the dining table welcomed me in as well like it was their house. "I-I really should be going now, the kids are still at ca-" I was cut off by my father wrapping one of his arms around my waist and pulling me inside. "Aren't there two counselors at that camp you work at?" He asked as he led me over to the table where his guests were. "Yes sir, but I don't want Gwen to worry," I replied, still trying to find an excuse to leave. He sat me down in a chair and pulled one up as well so he could sit beside me. "She'll be just fine." He said. That was the end of the conversation. Any more and I would technically be arguing with him. "I was just telling my friends here about that time we had that Great Gatsby-themed party. You remember that?" I nod my head feeling uncomfortable that I had to conversate with these people. "Where's momma?" I asked when I noticed she wasn't with us. "Oh, she said she was tired and wanted to go to bed," he said. He put his arm on the back of my chair as he continued talking.

Some time passes and he looks over at his all-too-expensive watch. He stands up abruptly and gives his best million-dollar smile (literally and physically.) "I am so sorry for the sudden halt of our lovely conversation," he starts. "But I forgot I had some important documents I needed to fill out by tomorrow evening." He gives a jolly laugh and then explains to the guests that he "Hasn't even started the darn paper!"

"Oh, don't let us keep you!" One woman says as she practically pulls what I assume is her husband out of the chair beside her. The other couple gets up as well making sure to finish off their Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon 1992. (It's a stupidly expensive brand of wine.) and make their way to the door as well.

I as well tried to get up but my dad put a firm hand on my shoulder telling me to sit back down. When everyone left, my father came back into the kitchen, only instead of sitting back down, he started to clean up. "It's been a while since I have seen you, son. How's being a councilor treating you?" He asks as he empties out any wine left in the glasses to put in the dishwasher. I rub my hands together under the table trying to figure out why he wants to have small talk with me. "I-It's alright," I say with a nervous chuckle. Everyone is pretty well-behaved... Well, better than when they first came to camp that is. I look down at my lap as my dad comes back over wiping his hands on a dish towel. "I've missed you, you know?" I didn't say anything and just kept my head down. He suddenly reached over and grabbed my chin pulling my head up to lock eyes with me. "Don't you miss me too David?" He asked with a certain hunger in his eyes. "I mean, you did ask me for the money the other day. You don't ask me for anything." He says as he retracts his hand and sits down beside me. "So tell me, son, did you miss me?"

I hope that the story wasn't too short for you all and sorry if this part of the story mad some people uncomfortable. Also, let me know in the comments if you would like my snapchat! I love meeting mew people! Until next time, Campe Diem!

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