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Takara's POV
I walked around the forest after ditching class. It was so beautiful. I took a deep breath if the air and the smell if pine was just wonderful. I saw a pretty stream and knelt by the edge. I got an idea and quickly ran around the forest to look for flowers. When I returned to the stream I gently placed the flowers in the water and they all floated down it gracefully. I smiled and got up before heading off to walk around the forest a bit more. A clatter sound of metal on metal sounded behind me, making me whip around in surprise. Yuuki stood in front of me with her anti-vampire staff out in front of her in a defender stance. "Oh hi Yuuki. You scared me" I laughed. She just glared at me before swinging her weapon at me, hitting me straight across the face. My head whipped to the side and I flew backwards into the tree behind me. I groaned in pain and held my cheek. She walked up to me and bashed the staff into my stomach and then my ankle. I coughed out a bit of blood and winced at my now broken ankle. "Y-Yuuki what a-are you doing" I choked before getting hit across the face again. "Why do Kaname and Zero pay so much attention to you?" She growled. "I don't know" I coughed out more blood. "Tell me!!" Another hit, more blood. "Tell me!!!" Another hit, even more blood. "WHY YOU?!" She screeched before taking out an anti-vampire gun and pointing it at me. my wounds weren't healing and the pain was becoming unbearable. "I. don't. know" I wheezed out before she placed her finger on the trigger. She gave me a smile of pure insanity before I fell into unconsciousness.

A/N hey so at first the word gun was actually gum I got this really funny image of Yuuki pointing a piece of gum at a vampire as if it was dangerous and her face was serious and I just think that would be the funniest shit ever😂

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