Takara's Past

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Takara's POV
I woke up laying on the floor beside Yasha. We were both nude and I cringe at the thought of why he did to me. Still sleeping, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. "I...... Always loved you Taka-chan" he murmured in his slumber before rolling over on his back, causing me to lay on his stomach. All of a sudden his eyes shot open and he bit into my shoulder. I screamed in pain but nobody heard my cries. The sound proof walls blocked out every sound that was made. Once he unlatched his teeth from my shoulder he took a small vial out of his pocket and smiled sadly at me. "Now you'll remember me. You won't have to be scared anymore Taka-chan" he whispered before pouring the liquid in his mouth and bring my lips to his. He forced my mouth open with his tongue and I had no choice but to swallow the tasteless liquid. I slowly began to lose consciousness and before it all turned black I saw Yasha crying into my neck with a broken smile on his face as he whispered "I could have saved you".


A small ___ haired, 2 month old girl sat on royal blue carpet along with a small boy beside her. "My name is Yasha. Can you say 'Ya-sha' Taka-chan?" He said to her in a cute voice. "Yyy......yaa.... sha. Yasha!" The little girl exclaimed happily. "Yay you got it!" He said before he picked her up and held her lovingly. The small girl giggled and hugged him with her small arms.

Different Flashback

Takara was two years old and could already walk. She held onto Yasha's hands as he guided her through the American science lab that they grew up in. "Play! Play!" She exclaimed, still not very good at speaking. "Haha yes we're gonna play Taka-chan" he laughed at her cuteness. She dragged him towards the playroom and sat down in front of her favourite doll house. Just as she was about to pick up a doll a man in a red lab coat stepped into the room. "Experiment number 27 is due for testing" he said monotonously. Yasha frowned. He picked up Takara and gently handed her to the man. "She has a name and it's Takara Tsukiko" he growled. The man just looked at Yasha before dragging Takara away. "They won't be able to turn a human into a vampire even if they wanted to" Yasha grumble to himself before kicking over a tower of blocks that he had built days ago. Yasha looked around at the white walls and ceiling that he and Takara had grown up in and sighed, these people were going to be the death of him and the one he loved.

Takara tripped and stumbled as she was dragged down hallway after hallway by the same unknown man that took her from her play time. Finally, they arrived at a small room with about seven more men with red lab coats on. In the middle of the room was a gleaming silver table and beside that was a small table that had metal tools scattered all over it. The men all strapped the young girl down on the table and began to work on her small body, switching her organs with those of an aristocrat vampire.

That night while Takara was sleeping the scientists took Yasha and began experimenting on him. They decided to do the same kind of transformation that they were trying with Takara except this time, they would switch his organs with demon ones. While they were at it they decided it would be somewhat funny if they mixed his DNA with dog DNA. Turns out, it wasn't funny.

Different Flashback

Four year old Takara was now sitting with Yasha in a cold cell. Takara had become angry and accidentally killed one of the red dressed men. Yasha interfered and hurt another one which caused them both to be sent to the dungeon for a week. Takara bared her newly developed fangs at anyone who approached her who wasn't Yasha. "H-hey Taka-chan?" Yasha asked weakly. Takara nodded, signalling him to continue. "I will always protect you. After we bust out of here will you stay with me forever? And we can have our own kids to protect so nobody will ever get hurt again!". Takara smiled widely and nodded. She wanted to be with him for ever. "I.... L-lovvvve yyou Ya..sha" she told him, still not very good in the speaking department. He gave her a reassuring smile before the both fell asleep.

Different Flashback

Black. Black was all Takara could see. She woke up to being able to see nothing but the mysterious cloth wrapped around her eyes. She could hear Yasha screaming her name from far away but the things she noticed the most were the metal tools prodding and poking her fragile body. It was her fifth birthday too. She was turning five today and she was going to celebrate with Yasha. She started to feel a little bit lightheaded and the voices started to become slightly faded. ".......memory...... Exist......... Last chance...... Dead..... Experiment 27...." Was all she heard before they faded out entirely.

Yasha screamed from outside of the experiment room. He could see them hurting Takara but he couldn't protect her. His voice suddenly gave out and his throat ached. "If this succeeds her memory will no longer exist. This is our last chance to make sure she doesn't turn out dead because of insanity. experiment 27 is the most successful out of all of them.

Different Flashback

Two of the scientists that erased Takara's memory had taken her home with them and locked her in a bedroom. They were both married and had three kids that would now be Takara's fake siblings. The whole family including the maids would observe her and take notes on how she reacted to certain emotions and actions.

A/N: Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while!! Anyways please vote, comment, all of that fashizzle!!

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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