First day and lovin it

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Takara's POV
After waking up and showering plus getting ready, me and Rima walked down the stairs to see everyone either sitting on the couches or standing around them. I just sighed and muttered something about not liking people causing Rima to let out a laugh. I smiled and looked back to see everyone staring at me. I squeaked and ran behind Kaname who was conveniently standing beside me. He sighed and moved out of the way, introducing me. "Everyone this is Takara Tsukino. She came this morning when you were all sleeping" with that he walked back upstairs leaving me with everyone else. I awkwardly looked at my feet and chewed on my nails. Something pink got shoved into my face and I looked up to see a boy with dark red hair and pale blue eyes waving a strawberry Pocky in my face. I sighed and took it from him muttering a thanks. He just nodded and went back to his spot. "Hey Takara. I'm Takuma Ichijo. Wanna sit with me?" A happy blonde with beautiful green eyes asked me. I nodded and sat down only to be harassed by another boy. "Hey, my names Hanabusa but you can call me Idol because that's what you'll be screaming in bed tonight" he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and shoved his face away. "You can't handle me" I stated simply making half of the room laugh. "Hey stop laughing you guys are so mean!" He shouted, having a tantrum. On second thought... I smirked, "but if you're willing to take the challenge ..." His head whipped around and he stared at me before leaning towards my face. I almost blew my cover laughing but instead leaned in too. Just as our lips were about to touch I whispered "I only like real men" and then got up to talk to Rima, leaving Hanabusa dumbstruck and staring into space.

Screams echoed through the entire school as the gates opened. A small brunette girl and a silver haired boy were keeping the students from practically raping Hanabusa and the rest of us. "IDOL, I LOVE YOU"
Woah. And I thought I was a boy crazy, hormonal teenager. I sighed when I heard the brunette screaming. "Zero! Help me out here" she yelled at the silver haired boy who was apparently named 'Zero'. He sighed and got up. "Everybody get back unless you want me to make you all cry" he shouted which even scared me. Kaname walked over to the brunette and patted her head. "Good job Yuuki" he praised at if she was some fricking dog. I scoffed and walked up to Zero. "Thanks for helping. I swear if you didn't hold those girls back Aido might have raped them" I laughed when Hanabusa started throwing a temper-tantrum. After I kissed Zero on the cheek (making him blush mwahahaha) and whispered a thanks in his ear I walked off to class with the rest of my bitches..... Er... I mean night class.

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