Meeting my family...

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(Pic of siblings, order goes Kame. Kiriko. Reiji)
Takara's POV
I groaned when I woke up to a bright light in my face. Who the heck do these people think they are disturbing my fucking beauty sleep like this?! Oh wait.... I wasn't sleeping, I was unconscious.... "Taka-chan! Taka-chan!!!!" A childish voice called. I groaned and looked to my left to see a little blonde girl with pigtails and a teddy bear jumping up and down with a smile on her face. Next to the girl was a woman who looked about the age of 20 with long black hair and dark blue eyes. She smiled at me kindly. Leaning against the back wall behind them was a man who looked maybe 18 with dark red hair and hazel eyes. "Who are you?" I asked, obviously confused. "Oh haha, we are your siblings. That's Kame, I'm Kiriko, and the grouch back there is Reiji" She pointed at each of them. Kame jumped up on the bed I was laying on and inspected my neck "That bad vampire bit you and you were sleeping. But don't worry Taka-chan, he's gone now" she told me while stroking my hair as if I was the eight year old here. "Uhm.. not to be rude or anything but could you maybe leave and get the girl named Rima to come in here?". They looked upset, except for Reiji.... He just glared at me. A few minutes later Rima came in and almost bulldozed me with a hug. "I thought you were going to die" she sobbed into my shoulder. I just lay there shocked because Rima never expresses her emotions to anybody. When the initial shock wore off I hugged her back "Thanks for catching me when I collapsed" I breathed. She looked up at me with a confused face "Oh I didn't catch you, Senri did" when she finished telling me that she smirked at my blushing face. Then all of a sudden "We need to teach you how to get guys" she told me bluntly, back to her neutral state. I quickly nodded and we got to work.

3 weeks later (sorry for the time skip)
Takara's POV
The last three weeks consisted of me playing with Kame, practicing my fighting with Ruka, going shopping with Kiriko, and most of all 'learning' with Rima. Rima taught me everything from how to act when a boy flirts with you all the way to how to avoid married men. I knew everything and everything about flirting and guys that there is to know. Plus Kiriko taught me how to walk in heels and even how to dirty dance in tight dresses. Those three weeks were breaks for both the day and night classes in the school though I don't really know why. I love my siblings but I never talk to Reiji and I don't really know why.... probably because he barely EVER talks. I became great friends with Zero over the break and even greater enemies with Yuuki!!! Ruka surprisingly (not really) still hates my guts and Takuma is like my older brother that actually doesn't hate me (cough cough Reiji. Kaname is mean and I don't really like him at all but my rude acts to him have become regular and Ruka is used to it. Aido on the other hand gets downright pissed at me which amuses the rest of the night class as well as 2/3 of my siblings. "Taka-chan!!" Kame yelled, jumping into my arms and giggling like crazy. "What is it my little turtle?" I asked (cuz Kame means tortoise) " I came to say bye-bye cuz me, Kiri-chan, and Rei-chan gonna leave in a bit" she giggled and tightened her grip around my neck. "Haha ok Kame but remember to eat your veggies" I said and started tickling her causing her to run away. Chuckling to myself, I began to walk back back to the sitting area. When I got there I realized that the only person there was Reiji. I internally sighed and sat beside him "hi" I said to him. Nothing. "Do you not like me or something? I mean I haven't ever met you before but here you are being a whole bitch to me and ignoring me!" I told him angrily. He just muttered something that I couldn't process and leaned back, putting his hands behind his head. "Uhm helloo Mister asshole, I'm talking to you" I growled, irritated and waved my hand in his face. Again, no response. He was starting to piss me off. "Goddammit answer me already!!" I shouted, slamming my hands on the coffee table, splitting it into two. He was unfazed by my act and got up and left. Once he was gone I screamed in frustration. Zero slammed open the front door and looked around alarmed. After looking around the room for a bit he realized there was no danger. "Your ok" he stated and walked over to me, pulling me into his arms and breathing heavily. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. "Im ok Zero" I whispered, more to myself than him. We stayed like that for a while until my asshole of a brother walked in. he stopped when he saw us and stomped over, throwing zero into the wall. "WHAT THE HELL REIJI" I yelled but he didn't stop. He grabbed Zero by the collar of his shirt and repeatedly punched him in the face. I ran to stop him but he just shoved me to the floor. I cried and pleaded for him to stop but he paid no attention to me. I drew the line when he pulled out Zero's Bloody Rose and pointed it at him. Zero stared at the gun, bloody and bruised but did nothing. The gunshot ran throughout the entire schoolyard. Takuma was the first to arrive to the scene. Zero was still being held by his collar by Reiji and Reiji's hand with the gun in it was held to the sky by both of my hands. My sobs never stopped and my mascara ran as if it was in a marathon. I screamed and cried into Zero's chest, mumbling about how I was scared and almost lost him. He could barely move. "Takuma, take Zero to my room and treat his wounds please" I whispered. When Takuma and Zero were gone I looked at Reiji. He had no expression and was just looking at the sky where I pointed his gun. "What..... were you THINKING" I growled at him. He paid no attention to me which sadly wasn't surprising. "IM FUCKING TALKING TO YOU" I screeched and ran at him. Just as I was about to slash at him with my throwing knives, strong arms held me back. I thrashed around and screamed, struggling to get out of the persons grasp but failed every time. The thrashing turned into shaking and the screaming turned into sobbing. I gripped the persons shirt and cried into their chest. I looked up with tears blurring my eyes and saw one of the least likely people to comfort me. Hanabusa. I whimpered and curled up into his chest and slowly cried myself to sleep.

Cold metal wove itself around my neck like a necklace and chains held my hands behind me. My feet were attached to the floor by metal cuffs and the only scent was blood. I was surrounded by darkness. A metal door creaked open and someone wearing all black walked in. They circled me a few times before writing something down on paper. My mouth was gagged and I couldn't speak. My fangs pierced my bottom lip, drawing blood making the person in black hiss. He slashed my cheek with something sharp and licked the blood off of my skin. "So delicate. So tempting" he whispered into my ear, making me shiver in disgust. I whimpered when he trailed a hand down my neck all the way down my back. I was only wearing underwear and a bra. "And you are all mine" he growled darkly before stabbing something into the back of my thigh.

I sat up in my bed screaming bloody murder. Footsteps thundered down the hallway and my door swung open to reveal me sitting in my bed shaking and clutching onto my sheets for dear life. Rima shoved through the group of people standing in front of my door and ran over to me. She held me tightly and stroked my hair and hummed my favourite song. Takuma, Aido, Ruka and Senri sat on my bed around me and comforted me. Takuma handed me some of his favourite manga and Aido told me some of his embarrassing relationship stories. Shiki handed me Pocky and Ruka and Rima braided my hair while laughing lightly every once in a while at one of Hanabusa's stories. In less than five minutes I was my normal self again. These people make me feel so loved.

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