Let the flirting begin Phase 2

393 20 6

Takara's POV
*sigh* That look on Hanabusa's face was priceless. Now on to my next target. I strutted over to the fountain where Takuma was sitting, reading his manga. I mentally laughed at what his reaction might look like. "Hey Takuma" I purred and sat down beside him. He didn't even glance at me while muttering a quick 'hey'. I quietly sighed and decided to kick it up a notch. I gently trailed my finger tips up and down his thigh, "Watcha reading?" I whispered in his ear. He shuttered before glancing up from his book, his eyes instantly going to my neck. "like my necklace?" Again, he didn't answer and instead sucked in a deep breath before shuddering and going back to his book. I lightly laughed and put my hand on the book, slowly pushing it down until it was on his lap. I gently turned his chin towards me to see his eyes were flashing from his natural emerald, to a vibrant red. "Calm down Takuma. I don't bite... unless you want me to" I said, winking at the end. I leaned in closer and rested my face in the crook of his neck, letting out a deep sigh that instantly made him shudder. "Am I bothering you Takuma?" I breathed in his ear. "N-no but-" I cut him of "But what? Don't you enjoy my company?" I licked up his neck. He breathed in a quiet "yes". He sighed in content and I nuzzled my face into his chest. He was warm and comforting. "Shouldn't you be going? Class is starting soon?" He asked me shakily. I nodded before kissing his cheek and walking to class. Today our teacher was a little late which pissed me off a bit... until Senri sat beside me. Oh this is gonna be fun.

A/N: sorry it's a bit short :(

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