Chapter 31: What have I done?

Start from the beginning

"You thought you could bring her back so fast? But I've barely had any fun, don't you think?" Said Sam while pouting her lips in a cute manner and letting her eyelashes flutter. Her head was tilted a little to the side while she observed Jimin's face in await of his reactions. If it had been any other circumstance with Sam looking like that, Jimin would have found her so adorable. But now, it wasn't. It was . . . sickening. He felt bubbly and uncomfortable under her scorching stare. 

With that, she dropped the frying pan in her left hand, before catching it in her empty and free right one, mid-air. Using the emptied left hand, she twisted it towards Jimin to grab onto his wrist, freeing his grasp on her wrist. As soon as she got a hold of his wrist, she twisted it backwards in an abnormal direction for his arm muscles, turning him in place while his hand was twisted at his back.

Pressuring his muscles and straining the pain more, Sam forced him to the ground while she victoriously smirked at the figure facing the ground. Small grunts left Jimin's mouth but nothing other than that. He didn't want to do anything.

Only a single plan was bouncing around in his mind. He had to snap Sam out of her daze, but how, was the only question. Inflicting pain was the first thing he crossed off of his list. Sam was after all like his little sister. He couldn't hurt her. Who ever might be hurting him, it wasn't Sam. And when Sam comes back, he was sure she would be very guilty and definitely be the one to take care of his injuries.

Embraced by his logical mind, he lost track of the reality that swirled around him where Taehyung and Hoseok ran to save their dear buddy. How?

Well, Tae grabbed onto Sam's arm that forced Jimin's figure down while Hoseok grabbed onto Jimin's arm. Both of them pulled on either sides trying to break free the tug of war. Loud screams erupted under the roof: Something along the lines of 'Yah!Sam! Let go! You're hurting him!' and 'Sam! What are you doing? Please let go!'

Both the males were using their strength of abnormality to free the poor hurt guy, but Sam didn't even flinch and weaken her hold. All she did was smirk. M. A. L. I. C. I. O. U. S. L. Y. With such ease and such elegance, that reminded people of the soul in her. The old but greedy soul fighting for dominance. The dangerous old soul.

Mindlink was constantly at the use while the other members of the band accompanied by Jisoo and Rose were dragged off of their beds and drawn into the commotion of the eventful night in the kitchen. And of them all, Jungkook being the last one stopped in his tracks as soon as his eyes caught notice of Sam. His doe eyes were widened and his feet were glued at the doorway of the kitchen.

She had let go of Jimin long ago. Her legs were swinging in all kinds of different directions aiming for targets ranging in different heights. So were her hands, one which still held the frying pan while the other one clutched onto a meat knife, god knows when she caught a hold of it. Landing repetitive roundhouse kicks and front kicks on the band members, she could easily be mistaken for a raging mercenary taking revenge on a conning gang regarding a fraud drug deal.

Her body moved fluidly on command and her eye to limb coordination was set to perfection. Whenever the boy's had tried to catch her, she'd flip in unexpected manners and leave them surprised by how much danger the small girls possessed. But mind the fact that the boys only wanted to catch her, not hurt her. They wouldn't be able to bear with themselves if they hurt the sweet and innocent girl whom they'd soon be seeing.

 They wouldn't be able to bear with themselves if they hurt the sweet and innocent girl whom they'd soon be seeing

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