Chapter 7

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---- Loki's POV ----

A wide grin lingered on my lips as I reappeared in (Y/N)'s and my room. So she hadn't a liking in this Tom. But something still bothered me. She had said that there was someone that she liked and I knew it had to be someone from the tower. She only left to go to the stable and there, she only met Tom. Also, she didn't text someone on this cellphone of hers. Well, she wrote with some people but it was nothing serious. Following the facts, it must be someone from the tower. My mind was racing; who could it be? Sure Steve and Bucky were her type and would match her but did she spent enough time with them? Peter would also match her but he was way too young for her... And what if she was into women? Natasha was a woman that attracted but (Y/N) had said that she didn't go out with Tom because she saw him as a brother and not because she was into the other gender...

I slumped onto the bed and grabbed my book. I tried to read but it was no use. I couldn't stop my racing mind and soon I sat there with my opened book in my lap and stared off into space.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the door opened and an exhaust looking (Y/N) came in. She dragged herself to her drawer and pulled something out that looked like a grey potato sack. I rose an eyebrow and wondered why someone like her would wear something like that. Without a word and not even looking at me once, she disappeared into the bathroom.

Half an hour later she came out again. The gray potato sack now hid all her beautiful curves and only her long legs could still be mowed out. I closed my book as she fell backwards on the bed, her legs hanging from the side. Her arms were sprawled out and her head was laying next to my feet. Her eyes were closed and she took deep breathes.

"(Y/N)?" I approached carefully after some minutes. Her eyes opened and her (E/C) orbs looked directly at me as she turned to face me. Her face told me that I had her unshared attention.

"What is bothering you?" I asked softly. I had a clue but didn't want to scare her away. A frown formed on her usually so kind face and she signed. Then a forced smile take place on her lips.

"It's nothing, really." I understood that she was not interested in talking about it, so I let it go. After some time the (H/C) haired woman spoke up.

"It's not nothing... There is a friend of mine. He asked me if I wanted to go out but I rejected him..." she said, pulling her legs towards her and wrapped her arms around them. My heart speeded up. Did she change her mind?

"And you now regret it and want to go out with him?" I tried to sound as unaffected as possible. My heart sank at the thought of her maybe wanting to be with him.

I was brought back to reality as (Y/N) responded "What? No! I just... I hate it when I have to reject someone." The last sentence she mumbled into her knees. "I've been rejected way too often myself and I know how much it hurts..." she whispered nearly inaudible. A wave of relief rushed over me but I had heard her last words and it let my heart sunk again.

--- Time skip ---

The day had found an end and (Y/N) was laying on her side, her back to me. Her thin hands held her phone tight and she seemed to be lost in a story. I sat back against the headboard and carefully placed my hand on her shoulder. As soon as my skin touched hers the scene from her mind flooded my sight. A beautiful forest formed around me and I heard birds singing. In some distance, I heard a waterfall and started to walk towards it.

Clear water fell from a small cliff and collected in a small pond before running away in a frail creek. Next to the waterfall, there was a rock. Onto its front, small waterdrops landed and made it reflect the surroundings and the sky. I saw a young woman sitting alone on the surface, her legs pulled up slightly so that they were shaping a triangle and her head dipped back. The young woman was wearing a bordeaux red dress that fell widely over her entire body. Her hands were resing behind her and peeked out from under wide sleeves. It nearly looked as if it was from Asgard but Midgardien people would define it as "Celtic".

As I wanted to take a further step towards the young woman, she looked into the woods behind me. I recognized her face; it was (Y/N). My eyes widened. I had thought a lot of her but this was definitely not one of them.

The woman I got to know seemed so American and jet she looked like a person from another time and another realm.


What if it wasn't what it seemed like (Loki x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt