Chapter 29

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You were living in Asgard now for years and you couldn't imagine it more beautiful. Loki would lay every morning next to you, kissing you loving. You would walk around the gardens, ride out or read in the library. At times you would visit Earth to meet friends and family. But today was different.

Loki was called into an emergency meeting. You waited nervously. It must have had a reason Thor and the warriors three wanted him at the meeting too. Usually, they were just fine and handled the situations with ease, so it must be something serious.

Your train of thoughts was cut off as the door opened. Loki brushed in in a hurry.

"Loki, what is going on? What are you searching for?" you asked as he looked around, opening drawers and doors.

"My helmet," he answered, his head in one of the closets.

"Wait," you placed your hand on his shoulder, reaching into the wardrobe to get his horned helmet made of gold.

"What is it that you need your amour and helmet for?" you asked, watching your husband changing into his black leather amour with golden ornaments. Loki turned to you, taking your face in his hands.

"Thanos, he is on his way here with the infinity stones. We have to stop him but you have to stay here; promise you will," he ranted, his eyes pleading you to do so. You didn't like this one bit but you trusted him.

"I will under one condition," you nodded, then looking him straight in the eyes. "You have to come back to me," you said, fearing the fact that you could lose him. Loki nodded before kissing you. Without another word, he hurried out the door to protect Asgard.

---- Third persons POV ----

The warriors three, Thor and Loki arrived at a dusty field, ready to stop Thanos there and then. A grey fog surrounded the place and nothing was to be heard. Then a high muscular form appeared in the fog, slowly clearing into a man without hair but with purple skin. He stopped as he was like 30 feet away from them. His eyes twinkled dangerously and an arrogant smirk was plastered onto his face.

"Aah Loki, here our ways cross again. How have you been? Are you king now?" Derision was clearly laying in his voice. Thor looked at his brother briefly.

"You know each other?" the blonde Prince asked in a low tone. Loki's eyes were starring draggers at Thanos as he answered.

"You remember New York? He was the reason for it. He took over my mind, promising me everything I wanted but nearly taking exactly that away from me," he growled, his jaw clenched. Thanos laughed at that.

"You are really pathetic. You would now be King of Midgard if you wouldn't have fought my control. We both would have gotten what we wanted. You a throne and I the Nephilim." That was the breaking point for the God of mischief. He whipped his draggers out, attacking Thanos. The other followed suit.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was pacing up and down her chambers. She had a bad feeling and she wouldn't be able to sit back down before her loved one was back. Frigga tried everything to get her thoughts off of her son, being worried about her health otherwise. Whatever, it was no use.


The warriors three were busied with some dark elves since they had come to support Thanos. Loki wanted to use an inattentive moment of Thanos to stab him in the back. But the purple man turned, catching the price by his neck. The lanky form of Loki hung in the air, held up by the throat. Pale hands crawled against purple ones as air stared to get rar.

"You think you could be a good man but I saw your soul. It is as dark as a black hole. You could never be something better than a monster and you know it." The grip tightened, letting Loki's skin turn blue slowly.

"But you found someone ready to ignore the monster you are and to be with you. I'm surprised by her. She is more than powerful when she could handle the monster you are... and this strength is just what I need. Me using the stones could kill me but when her mind is mine, she may be strong enough with this child of yours in her," Thanos had whispered the last past, tightening his grip even more. Loki's eyes turned red as he started to suffocate.

"Also, your loss will help her reach her full potential. Don't worry, Prince, I'll show her how much you suffered." The titan laughed as the Prince's vision went black.

But then the laugh became a groan. Thor had used his chance to stab the man in the back, not missing the heart. Loki fell to the ground just as Thanos did.

"Loki, we got it! L-Loki?" The black-haired man didn't move as his brother shook him.

"Thor, we have to leave. There are too many of them " Fandral shouted as he tried to fight the endless mass of dark elves.

"No!" Thor shouted as he understood that his brother had left him forever. Placing his cape on his brother, the God of thunder was dragged away from him as the Bifrost took them away.

"We have to get him," he shouted as they went back to Asgard.

"We'll get him later," Sif said, sadness in her voice as she patted the bond's shoulder.


What if it wasn't what it seemed like (Loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now