Chapter 48

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March hit us quick. We were a few months away from the wedding and in the final stages of getting everything together. We're solidified the music, the guest list, sent out save the dates. We were almost done planning.

We had done engagement photos the week of Harry's birthday. That was his one request.

"I don't want anything but engagement photos. I want them to be cheesy and I want to hang them all over the house."

He look it very seriously and took our photographer's direction really well. It was hard to me to take him seriously because he was so serious. I spent most of the time trying not to laugh. Our photographer was amused, Harry was not.

When our photographer sent us the email with the final edited pictures, he went to have them printed immediately. All of them. To my surprise though, he had texted me for final approval of only a few that would be going to be hung around the house. He printed the rest in regular picture size and came home with a white photo album covered in lace and got to work. He was very serious about this as well.

"Don't laugh, it has to be perfect. This is for our wedding. It sets the emotion for our entire wedding!"

"No it didn't, silly. We do that. This will just help us remember it." He rolled his eyes at me and went back to ordering the pictures perfectly in the photo album he bought.

I'd gotten jokes since he proposed about me being a bridezilla, but if anyone was uptight about the wedding, it was Harry. He wasn't often a perfectionist, but our wedding had to be absolutely perfect in his eyes. I didn't care about a few small imperfections or unplanned details as long as I was with him at the end of the day, so I let him stress over the small things and held his hands when it got too stressful.

My dress had also come in. I went to the bridal shop alone to pick it up. Kira and Kimmy were both at work and I couldn't bring Harry, even though he begged to let me bring him. I left him home, huffing and disappointed, just like last time.

"I just want to see the shop." He crossed his arms like a child.

"No, you want to see my dress. And you will" his eyes lit up, "on June 30th. Be patient."


"What the hell does that mean?"

"Treat Harry with kindness." He looked so serious and I felt bad for laughing, but his attempts into swindling his way into coming were cute.

"I will treat Harry with plenty of kindness when I get home, but only if he behaves." I fiddled with his belt a little bit and pulled his closer and kissed his jaw before pulling away completely.

"Doing that and then leaving me here is the complete opposite of treating Harry with kindness. Quite rude if you ask me. I think you should stay for fifteen more minutes."

"Well it's a good thing I'm not asking. I have to go though, I can't be late for my fitting. I'll spare you your requested fifteen minutes when I get home."

I put my dress on for the first time, before any alterations. It was a little long, but it fit just like it did when I bought it at the shop. I'd bought shoes a few weeks ago, knowing I would need them for my fitting. I slipped my shoes on and stood still while the woman doing my alterations get to work adjusting the length for me. It didn't take long and we didn't speak while she moved around my dress. I took it off when she was done and put my shoes back in my bag.

I'd been wearing them around the house every once in a while to break them in and get used to them so I didn't trip over myself walking down the aisle. Harry saw me in them when he got home from work one night. I was in the kitchen cooking and he looked so confused. Heels mixed with a big shirt and comfy shorts wasn't my usual clothing combination. I explained what I was doing and I somehow ended up only wearing the shoes. It was a weird turn of events.

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