2. a divination disaster

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"erm, this part here looks like a sun which stands for power, success and new beginnings."

"lucky you! how about you miss evans?" trelawney asks, walking to alison and luke's table.

"i got a horseshoe which means good luck. i'm hoping it's in quidditch." ali says.

"right. next, mister hood?"

"well, it looks like little squiggles." calum answers, holding up his cup so the professor can see.

"oh yes," she mutters, squinting at the tea leaves. "those are the ants. an evil omen. you're facing impending difficulty, my boy." she tells him, shaking her head sadly. calum looks around at his friends with a concerned face as professor trelawney moves on.

"and lastly, let's have miss carter share!"

"oh okay." elena nods. "i believe these are knots which," she scans her book, looking for the description. "stand for anxiety and stress..." she frowns.

"how awful, really." trelawney tuts as she walks back to her desk. "well that's it for today's class. you may stack your cups then be on your way."

elena sighs, setting her cup inside of susan's and grabbing her bag. she follows the crowd of students walking out of the classroom and meets luke and alison in the hallway.

"what a fun first day of class, guys!" she sarcastically exclaims.

"hey, don't worry. half of the students say trelawney doesn't know what she's talking about. it's probably not as bad as you think." luke encourages.

"since we have a free period, want to go study in the library?" ali asks.

"yeah, that sounds nice," elena nods. "did you guys see calum come out yet?"

"he walked out before us. he must be in a hurry to get to his next class." luke replies, shrugging his shoulders. "i'll see you guys at lunch." he says, walking down the corridor as alison and elena walk in the opposite direction towards the library.

"do you think those tea leaves really do predict the future?" elena asks, looking at alison.

"i'm not sure, i hope so for my sake, but for you and calum..." she trails off.

"i know," elena sighs as they turn a corner. "i'm worried mine and his are connected. like we're going to get into a fight or break up."

"no! don't think like that. you and calum are fine. you haven't had any trouble with your relationship since fourth year, and that was all because of draco. that's all over now." alison says, opening the door to the library for her friend.

"um, well..." elena cringes, walking into the library and finding a table to sit at.

alison quickly finds a seat across from her, raising her eyebrows and waiting for an explanation. "what do you mean 'um well'? what happened?"

"okay it's not that big of a deal," elena rolls her eyes, pulling out the wooden chair and taking a seat. "but remember when he left to talk to his friends on the train ride here? i found him talking to draco, blaise and pansy."

"draco, blaise and pansy? are you serious? this is fourth year all over again!" alison groans, putting her head in her hands.

"shhh!" madam pince, the librarian scolds her.

elena sighs, opening her textbook. "don't say that, you'll make me worried." she whispers. "besides, calum and draco want nothing to do with each other now."

"let's go cal!" elena yells, her hands cupped around her mouth so that her boyfriend would hear her over the loud crowd.

"there goes calum hood, number 5, making his way to the gryffindor goals with the quaffle! can he score for slytherin?" lee jordan announces into the microphone.

elena cheers as calum soars by at high speed. the opposing chasers and beaters could never catch him when he was on his way to a goal. he holds the quaffle up, getting ready to throw until another player crashes into his side, causing him to drop the ball and almost fall off of his broom.

"oh no! looks like someone needs to accio themselves a pair of glasses. malfoy must think hood is the golden snitch!" lee reports.

elena scoffs, turning to her friends. "did you see that? malfoy's gonna cost them the game if he doesn't stop messing with calum!"

"he really holds a grudge, doesn't he?" luke shakes his head in disappointment.

madam hooch blows her whistle, pausing the game. after talking to calum, she decides to pull him out of the game. malfoy had hit him so hard that she wanted to get him to the infirmary.

"looks like they won't be making up any time soon." michael supposes.

"well it doesn't seem that way anymore." alison says.


uh oh. what's going on with calum and draco? 😳 leave your guesses in the comments!

the italics are a flashback from their fifth year by the way!

thanks for reading :)

exceptionally ordinary // calum hood + hogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now