Secrets (Troye's POV)

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"There's never anyone to talk to." I say to aloud. I'd tried calling Tyler on Skype multiple times within the past hour, but he didn't pick up. Where was he? What's so important that would make him not want to answer my calls? I lay back to the headboard on my bed and try to focus on editing my new video. As I begin to edit, my phone rings, Tyler, it's about time. "Tyler!"

"Hey Troye." I could actually hear his smile through the phone. God how much I loved his smile. "Have you been getting my Skype calls?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that. I was kind of busy earlier and I wasn't on my computer."

"Oh.." Did he not have time for me anymore? Tyler and I weren't even dating, though I'd wished that we were. Well, maybe. He was kinda old for me anyway. "Were you out of the house?"

"Well, no. Connor was over and I was kinda just helping him through some of the rough things he's going through right now."

"Oh, is he okay?"

"Yeah, he just needed someone to talk to."

Connor and I had been friends for at least two years now. I'd felt a bit hurt that I wasn't a part of this conversation. "What was the conversation about?" I pinched myself. 'Dammit' I thought, 'Don't be nosy.' There was no sound over the phone call for a while. Tyler must have been thinking of what to say. "It's kind of personal." My face went blank. I couldn't believe Tyler was keeping secrets from me. We were supposed to be able to tell each other anything. "So, you won't tell me?"


"I really want to know..." I pinched myself again. 'God dammit, stop Troye.' I thought to myself again. "Look, I don't want Connor to think that he can't trust me. I wanna be a good friend."

"He won't ever find out you told me."

"Troye, I'm hanging up."

"No please don-"

The line cut off. I sat and stared at a wall quietly still holding the phone up to my ear. Tyler and Connor were keeping secrets, and I intended to find out what they were.

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