Chapter 34: Pyrrhic Victory

Start from the beginning

We all came out of it then. "Incredible... I, I never thought the images would be so... Intense. I need a moment to collect myself." she said to us.

Shepard then asked. "Did the vision make any sense to you?"

I nodded. "It did to me..." I admitted. "It's... They... It's like Synthetics, but a form of combining cold metal and warm organic material... The merging of the two together as one. It's like they're trying to create harmony between organics and synthetics." I said my interpretation of the vision. "It seemed as though it was a warning, of betrayal... Indoctrination." I shrugged then.

Liara nodded to me. "He's right. It's a warning, a distress call sent out across the Prothean Empire." She explained further to us. "It was against the Reapers, but it came too late." she continued.

I closed my eyes then. "There was a planet... A single planet used throughout that vision." I nodded. "I didn't see anything like the Conduit." I admitted finally.

Liara nodded and looked down. "He is correct, but there were... Images. Places I recognised from my research... Ilos! The Conduit is on Ilos!" she exclaimed to us in realisation, looking back up. "That is why Saren needed the Mu Relay! It is the only way to get to Ilos." she informed us.

I nodded then. "Then to Ilos it is! Time's short!" I exclaimed with a nod.

Tali then spoke up. "Forget it. The Mu Relay's inside the Terminus Systems. Alliance ships are not welcome there. Neither are Spectres." she pointed out to us.

Shepard disagreed with that. "The Conduit's on Ilos. That's where Saren is heading. We'll be waiting for him when he gets there!" Shepard exclaimed with determination.

I agreed, but Liara was quick to point something out. "Saren will have his entire fleet orbiting Ilos. You will never make it down to the surface without reinforcements. You must alert the Council. We need a fleet to... Ohh..." she groaned and almost collapsed, with Shepard catching her quickly. She took a breath "I am sorry, the joining is... Exhausting. I should go to the Medical Bay and lie down for a moment." she told us.

I scratched the back of my head... "Was I that difficult to get through to?" I asked her.

She shook her head then. "Actually, you were remarkably easy, Commander. You have an extraordinary force of will, like Shepard, but your mind is more open once your barriers are down, like a young Asari first learning about her abilities." Liara explained to me

Shepard smiled to her then. "We're done here. Dismissed!" he exclaimed. He then picked Liara up bridal style to carry her. "I will escort you there personally, my lady." he smiled to her, and she back at him, leaning her head on his shoulder. "When I get back, We'll talk to the Council." he nodded to me and walked out.

I went over to the comm link and put my hands on the metal railing, sighing as I leaned forwards... I then felt arms around my back. "It wasn't your fault." she told me. I'm sure you know who it was.

I chuckled a little then. "I know. I've lost people before. It's still hard." I said to her and she nodded.

She then rested her head on my chest as I turned to face her. "We still know now where Saren is going." she pointed out to me.

I nodded at that as I held her. "Aye." I agreed.

She then looked up at me. "You were about to say something... Back on Virmire... What was it?" she asked me, tilting her head...

I smiled then. "I was going to say, I-"

"Commander, there's a comm buoy nearby. I can link us in if you want to report back to the Citadel Council. You know, to warn them about Sovereign." Joker pointed out... Oh so fucking helpfully.

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