Chapter Six

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I wake up to the sound of the cell door opening and immediately scramble to get up. A sudden wave of dizziness passes over me and I fall back against the wall.

'Woah,' says the guard from last night as he catches me. 'Sit down and eat this.'

He puts a warm bowl into my hands and exits the cell slamming the door behind him. I was just beginning to wander how I was supposed to eat whatever was in this bowl in the dark when a sudden flare of light erupts outside the cell door and I am momentarily blinded. After my eyes adjust, I look outside the cell door and see that the guard has lit a torch.

'Eat up, the High Lord is waiting for you.' He orders.

I look down at the bowl in my hands. Soup. I eat it quickly and stand up. The dizziness isn't as bad this time, but I still have to lean against the wall for a few seconds.

The guard unlocks the door and enters, pulling out a pair of chains from his doublet, and takes my hands, binding them together. My arms ache where Cassian held me last night and I am sure there are already dark bruises adorning them. The guard leads us out of the cell and up the stairs.

'Where are we going?' I ask as he lights the way with the torch.

'The High Lord wants to interrogate you on your involvement in the plot to assassinate the High Lady.'

'What?!' I exclaim. 'My involvement?! I'm not involved in the plot! I-' but he cuts me off.

'Save it for the High Lord and his Inner Circle.'

I start. The Inner Circle were all here? They were all going to interrogate me? I feel the sudden urge to vomit when the doors to the dining room open and I am shoved inside. I gulp, swallowing hard.

Rhysand sits at the head of the table with Feyre next to him. They are both wearing silver crowns and their fingers are adorned with many rings. So this wasn't a casual interrogation at all. Mor sits on the side of the table next to Feyre, with a disappointed look on her face.

Cassian and Azriel flank Rhys and Feyre's sides. The shadows around the spymaster are dark and stormy, matching his expression.

The guard pushes me forward and sits me down in the chair at the other end of the table.

Outside, the wind blows a pleasant breeze through the room and I realize that Stormcloud is probably still out there, waiting for me to signal her.

Rhysand opens his mouth to speak but I interrupt him. 'My peryton,' I say. 'She was supposed to take me back to the camp after my mission. She's probably exhausted; please, find her and take her back to my cabin. She needs rest and a proper meal.'

Feyre and Rhysand exchange glances.

'We've already taken her back to the camp, after patrol found her flying around last night.' Feyre says.

I feel only a slight amount of relief. Should I be happy that they found Stormcloud that easily or upset that she was found that easily? How was I going to get her back?

'You said mission,' Mor interrupts my thoughts. 'What mission were you given and by whom?' her voice is sharp and cold, so different to how it was when she came to my cabin with the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen.

I look at Cassian. His face is solemn, but his eyes hold an emotion; one that I can't decipher.

'I'm not saying anything while he's here.' I say, my gaze fixed on Cassian.

He knots his brows. 'Rhysand I can go-'

'No.' Rhys cuts him off. 'She may not trust you but Feyre and I do.' He looks to his General Commander. 'You stay.' Cassian nods and drags his eyes back to mine.

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