Chapter Twelve

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*Warning* This chapter is a little bit violent so if you aren't comfortable reading this then please don't!

It had started like any other day. Wake up at sunrise, feed Stormcloud, train. It was after my second training session that I was making my way back to the cabin, hoping to wash off the sweat and sun from my skin, when two soldiers stopped me.

'Lord Devlon has ordered us to bring you to the training square.' One of them says.

'Can't it wait until I've changed?' I ask, irritated.

'No,' says the other. 'He insisted that it be done before dark.'

'What has to be done before dark?' I ask.

'Come with us and you'll see.' He grabs me by the arm and starts leading me to the training square.

As we approach the square, I see a crowd of Illyrians gathered around it. The square itself is a raised piece of concrete that beginners used to train; three pieces of rope, every two feet above the other wrap their way around the square, connected by poles at each of the four points.

'Soldiers,' Devlon's voice booms from the platform. 'I have gathered you all here today to act as witnesses. We all know that true power no longer belongs to the High Lord of this court and it is for that reason that we do not follow him or his High Lady.'

As Devlon talks I notice a movement to my side. Cassian had just been, quite frankly, shoved next to me by the two guards who brought me here. He gives them a look that I would hate to find myself at the receiving end of. Our gazes meet, and I can see the truth in his eyes, as I am sure it is in mine; this was our test. He gives me a subtle nod before schooling his features into the ruthless warrior that he was brought up to be. I do the same. The unspoken words laud between us:

Whatever happens, we cannot mess this up.

'As our forces have grown and new soldiers have joined, we provided a test for each of them. A test different for each one depending on his abilities; the more heartless the test, the stronger the warrior.

We are here today to witness the test of our General and our most fearsome female.' He turns and looks down at us from the square. He walks to the edge and holds his hand out to me. Remember this is a test, you must take this camp down, for the High Lord and Lady. I tell myself over and over again.

Masking my face, I take his hand and heave myself up onto the platform. He motions for Cassian to do the same.

When we are both on it Devlon makes a signal to the sky and a moment later two soldiers land in front of us. They are holding two people, bags on both of their heads, hiding their features from us. The camp Lord snaps his fingers and the soldiers kick the backs of their prisoner's knees, forcing them to kneel.

My heart hammers in my chest, and I feel sweat building on my back.

'It is no lie that you two are our best fighters; the question is if your loyalty truly lies with the Windhaven Camp?'

Yes! I want to shout. Instead, I just nod my head.

'In that case,' he gestures to the people kneeling in front of us. Standing above them I can see blood clotting around two stumps protruding from each shoulder blade. Their wings, I think in panic; their wings were cut off recently, probably just before they were brought here. 'Kill them.'

My head snaps up to Devlon and I cannot help my eyes from widening. 'You're not serious,' I say.

He grins. 'Baelyn,' his voice coaxes. 'You have to earn your place among the rebels, just like you did among the soldiers.'

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