Chapter Ten

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The week goes by much the same as my normal days in the camp; wake up at sunrise, train until breakfast, train some more until lunch and then patrol.

Cassian had gone back to his brooding, acting nothing like the Cassian who had so tenderly bandages my wounds.

Fine, I had accepted that.

Most of the time we weren't together except for on patrol, only because we had insisted on doing the shifts together; it gave us the perfect opportunity to have our weekly debrief with Azriel.

'So no information about the location of the mysterious correspondence?' Azriel asks.

'No,' Cassian replies. His hair is tied half up half down in a bun and it suited him. Not that I cared. 'There doesn't seem to be much rebellious activity happening here either, just the normal training and patrols.'

'Perhaps they don't trust you enough yet to include you in their scheming. Has Devlon tested your loyalty yet?'

'Every damn second.' Cassian replies through clenched teeth.

I straighten from where I was leaning against one of the white pine trees. The moon is dull tonight, partly covered by clouds and there are many shadows in the Illyrian forest, prefect for a secret rendezvous in the middle of the night. 'He hasn't made us kill someone or jump off a cliff yet if that's what you mean.' I say. 'But I know Devlon; he's waiting for the moment when we least expect it.'

'And what do you plan to do if he asks you to kill someone.'

I shrug. 'Depends on who it is.'

Cassian shoots a glare in my direction. I roll my eyes.

'Ok, if that's all you have to report I had better go. Keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity, and please,' he looks pointedly at Cassian. 'Try not to get killed.'

A muscle falters in Cassian's jaw from how hard he's clenching it, but he just nods.

As we walk back to our station he still gives me the silent treatment.

I just roll my eyes and walk faster to get ahead of him.

* * *

Two days later and still nothing had changed, including Cassian's mood. He takes his anger out in the training ring.

I duck as his fist sweeps over where my head was moments ago and punch him in the thigh. He recoils only slightly but it gives me enough time to punch him hard on the right cheek.

He stumbles back slightly, which is unusual for this strong Illyrian warrior, and cups his cheek. 'That was unnecessarily hard.' He grunts.

I shrug.

We continue our training for another hour, neither of us stopping to rest; both equally stubborn and refusing to call it first..

Like all the other times we train; I try to keep my eyes off his bulging muscles and silky hair. He also seems to struggle to keep his eyes off certain of my assets.

As we fight, I try not to notice how the sweat builds on his enormous muscles, running down his torso, or how the bruise starting to form on his right check from where I punched him somehow makes him look even more deadly and attractive. I hate that I stare at him, I hate that can't help it.

I hate that I think about the night that he kissed me before I fall asleep.

We both stopped to take a breath and that's when we heard it.


'I want to see him!' an angry voice says and I could have sworn it was a woman's voice.

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