∘The Sweet Escape∘

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Will leaned against the door frame, a glass of wine in his hands and an amused smile gracing his face. He watched as Hannibal poured himself another glass of the viscous red liquid, foot tapping to the music filling the late evening peace.

The older took a quick sip from the wine and put it back on the counter, looking at Will with an inviting smirk.
"Care to join me?" he offered and held out a hand, making Will chuckle.

"You're quite charming, aren't you?" He pushed himself off the wall and approached him, taking the other's hand. "But I should warn you for your sake, I can't dance."

"That won't be an issue. I will take the leading part, you only have to respond to my movements," Hannibal eased and placed a hand on Will's waist, their fingers intertwined. "You don't need to impress me."

Will bit back an improper noise as Hannibal took a step forward, his leg slipping between his knees and he strode back, tightening his grip on the other's shoulder.

"I want you to loosen up, understood?" Hannibal muttered, his fingertips brushing over Will's tense back with little to no pressure, almost like a feather.

Will let out a shaky breath as a response to his touch, leaning his head against Hannibal's collarbone while his heart thrummed heavily in his chest. He felt like being torn into another world, the music wafting around his ears and their movements slowly starting to flow into one another.

Hannibal took a step to the side and turned them around, his hand grasping onto Will's hip. The sweet smell of alcohol and cheap aftershave filled his nose.

Hannibal spun him and pressed Will's back against his chest, lips close to his ear. "Tell me, Will..." he started, "What was that about dancing again?"

A weak laugh escaped Will. "Surprised? Didn't think I'd have it in me either," he admitted, his loose tone turning into a sudden gasp as Hannibal bit the sensitive skin on his neck, his tongue flicking over the mark. "Goddammit, you fucker," Will hissed, moving under his burning touch.

"Hard to resist," Hannibal replied and sucked at the hickey, eliciting a pressed moan from Will.

"God," he gasped, gritting his teeth.

"Not quite."

Will scoffed and threw his head back. "One more cocky answer and I'll make you wriggle like that," he growled.

"Is that an invitation?" Fingertips trailed down his arm, leaving stings of growing desire.

"Fuck you," Will blustered, his pulse quickening.

Hannibal swiftly turned him around again, gazing into his hazy blue eyes. "Sassy today, aren't we?" he remarked and lifted his chin.

"Shut up," Will puffed, crashing their lips together whilst Hannibal's hand slipped into his hair. The taste of sweet blood-red wine filled his mouth, overflowing his tongue and leaving him with the sore appetite for more. He pulled away again, lips parted as he rang for oxygen.

"How does that make you feel?" Hannibal breathed.

Will raised his gaze, looking into his eyes. "Save the therapy crap for your clients," he responded in a low voice, intertwining their fingers with his right hand, the other grasping onto Hannibal's shoulder.

"I only want you right now."

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