Chapter 15

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"It is finally confirmed... Yeline found a playmate."

Chapter 15

2 days before the start of the filming, yeline finally memorized all her lines. Yeline might not be that smart but she has an amazing memory. There's 2 reasons for it.

1. She isn't easy to get distracted
And 2. She doesn't do multi tasking. What task is placed in front of her, she would only do it and nothing else.

She's also persistent on following her schedules. That's why memorization comes easy for her.

Reading her script again for 3rd time, she sigh. The story was amazing and the presence of the characters were fully shown in the script.

She wanted to bring out the real summer to justify the amazing story, director gou made.

Summer is the sister of Gabriel. But they are not born in the same parents. Gabriel is adopted.

The fact that gabriel is adopted made yeline think the summer fell in love with him.

If you perceive closely to the character of the girl you would notice that her smiles brighten more and her energy reaches the highest peak in front of her brother.

Yes it might look like she just simply adore her brother so much. But summer's sunny disposition made everyone likes her, she's obviously not that alone and she has friends beside her.

But because of her brother ignoring her she made it a reason to push away those people.

Well yeline can't assume things easily especially that she doesn't even have a brother. So she immediately shove that thought away and stood infront of the mirror again.

Making faces and reciting lines.

She didn't stop practicing till she felt satisfied.

She only halted when the time for her stream will start 5 minutes from now.

Reluctantly putting the script on the desk she went towards her desktop and turned it on.

While preparing for her live stream she once again remembered the assassin that tried to get revenge and ended.

She wanted to fight with him again. She wonders if she wouldn't kind following him?. Wait... If he was just there to get revenge then he's not really a player of the game????.

She shrugs and her nonchalant expression disappeared when the she turned live.

With a face filled with bright smile and sparkling eyes, she greeted with a sing-song voice.

"Miu are you not going to practice??? Your filming will start on monday right?"

A girl with short brown hair and black pair of eyes asked and stared at her actress. Yuna might be the girl's manager but she isn't allowed to order her around.

Her parents refuses to hire someone who would order their precious daughter around.

Displease at first but she couldn't help but say yes. She needed money like everyone else. And being the manager of the daughter of a pair of well known people in entertainment industry can help her save a lot of money.

The fuyumi's were very generous to their payment so she immediately agreed even though she heard what condition they made.

"No, what's the use of practicing? I am already amazing"

The first impression of yuna to the actress or soon to be actress was, she's very narcissistic. Actually she's just exaggerating... No she isn't

The girl wouldn't stop praising herself and staring at the mirror when the two are alone.

At first she thought the girl was very kind after she heard her heroic performance but when she met her, it fills like she just met an impostor.

The girl was the true definition of Self-love... Extreme self-love at that.

"I see."

"Brush my hair. I just saw a strand sticking out. Hurry"

"Yes" she pick up the brush the woman use frequently and gently comb her hair where the 'strand' that she saw sticking out is.

"Aw! Be careful! What would you do if you damage my pretty hair?!"

Yuna is known in her hometown as a very patient person. So she didn't say anything and went to brush her hair again. Gentler than earlier.

"Hey, do you know who's yeline young is?"

Yuna nod not bothering to talk. She knows the woman could see her so why bother talking.

"Tsk. Tell me about her"

Yuna is a very capable manager so she immediately informed her the things she knows to the girl in question.

"Yeline young debuted as a game stream at the age of 13 and become very famous at 19. She's now in the age of 20 but everyone assumes she's just at the age of 18. Her actions and gestures are very cute which is very appealing towards the viewers.

Some might not be favourable towards her actions that differs from her age but majority really likes her. after hearing the reason of her childish action . Her fans increased drastically.

Her real name is Yang Ailine. She's not that smart and she was held back in school for 3 years. The reason was hidden. I couldn't find anything else but just this"

Wrong... Yuna know the reason and the background of the girl in question. She just doesn't want to disclose it. Why? It because it was too heartbreaking. Disclosing it would be very disrespectful.

"Tsk. That's it? What a useless manage you are"

Yuna simply let her words penetrate on her ear to the other.

"Anyway. Scram i don't want to see you ugly face. You are polluting the air. I need to breath gosh"

Yuna didn't protest and happily put down the brush which the woman picked with a disgusted face and throws it on the garbage bin.

Yuna didn't  mind and just walk out from the room. Being away from the girl mad her feel happy and relax.


"Hahaha you are very amusing mister! Right everyone?!"

Yeline praises the man she's been following after accidentally seeing him killing demons.

She praises the man even though her mic is off. It's a very clumsy behaviour but it's just a service for her fans. She's not that stupid to forget turning her mic to praise the other.

"Stop following me woman!!!"

Yeline opened her mic and giggles at it and closes it again.

The viewers just watched amuse.

"I told you not to follow me! You bully!"

"You bully?" Of course as yeline young she said those words with confusion but as Yang ailine... Those words were filled with amusement and mockery.

It is finally confirmed... Yeline found a playmate.

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