Chpt. 18

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Ara's POV

I woke up early and the boys were able to sleep in. Today we're packing because we leave at 2:30 a.m to film "Fire" in the States. I got up around 11 a.m and nobody is up so I'm pretty sure they're all sleeping in. I'll let them and won't make noise.
I went down to the kitchen and made coffee. I opened up my folder and marked of my To-Do list.
I read my name in a message from a unsaved number.
"Whose this?" I relied
*ring ring*
The number quickly calls after I reply. I flinch lightly at the suddenly call. I answer it to silence the ringer.

"Ara? Estas ahi.."
(Ara, are you there)

"Con quien habló"
(Who am I speaking to)

"Ara soy yo...Vivi"
(Ara It's me...Viví)

I feel my heart begin to pump faster...and I feel my throat like it's it's closing on me...not anxiety not this early in the morning.

" me cuelgues"
(Ara...don't hang up on me)

"Que quieres, y p-porque me estas llamando Viví"
(What do you want, and w-why are you calling me Vivi)

"Ara...tus padres desde que te fuiste están furiosos, a todos les están diciendo que los abandonasteis"
(Ara...your parents have been furious since you've left, they've been telling everyone you've abandoned them)

I pinched my nose bridge and sighed. I rubbed my forehead forcefully.

"Te fuiste de repente sin nada...dejaste la academia de artes...todas tus cosas tus zapatos, vestidos...dejaste todo"
(You left so suddenly without left the art academy without your shoes, dresses, etc)

"Ya se...pero mis padres saben bien porque me fui y no tengo ninguna intención de repetirme y jamás lo haré...ya no quiero bailar no quiero hacer nada con ellos...con la academia...fue la culpa de ellos por que me fui, diciendo que los abandoné están verracos! No están bien de la cabeza viví! No los creas...ellos fueron la causa...d-de todo...ya no me quiero acordar de nada...solo querían pinché dinero los mañosos"
( I know...but my parents know damn well why I left and I don't have any intention of repeating myself and I won't ever...I don't want to dance again...I don't want anything to do with them or with the academy, saying I abandoned them they're crazy! They're not okay from the head vivi! don't believe them...they were the cause of e-everything a-all of it...I don't want to remember anymore all they wanted was the money those gold diggers)

I sat on the stool at the Island sniffling holding my head up with one head as the other held the phone shakingly to my ear. Remembering all those horrible nights and days.

" te pediré que regreses solo quiero saber si estas bien...iba a ir a visitar a tus padres y recogí sus cartas y vi una con tu nombre abrí...era una carta con información de tu locación y teléfono y supe si fuiste tú la que mandaste eso"
(Ara...Im not going to ask you to come back I just wanted to know if you're doing okay...I was going to go visit your parents and I picked up their mail on the way and saw a card with your name and...I opened has your information, location, contact info and more...I didn't know if it was your or not")

I furrowed my eyebrows...I never would send them my location. I was about to speak when I heard mumbling. I quickly turned gasping to see the boys huddled up at the corner of the wall. They saw me and stopped moving. I stared at them and sighed...
"No espera...unos hombres llegaron a tu casa luego y se llevaron cajas de tus cosas no se si todo...pero luego tus papas desde ese día han estado bien felices y callados..."
(No wait!...some men came to your house and took boxes if your stuff I'm not sure how much or if all of it but then your parents since have been happy and living quietly)

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