Chpt. 28

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3rd POV

*knock knock*
The boys head stirring and groaning.
Ara opened her eyes...and looked around. She was back at the house the AirBnB when did they get back home.
*knock knock*
She slowly and hesitantly stood. She had wraps on her arm from the IV. She walked to the door and opened it.
"Hello" she mumbled squinting her eyes at the brightness
"Ara..." a voice exhaled
"Sejin oppa?!" Ara quickly rubbed her eyes and saw the older man.
"Thank goodness you're alright!" He engulfed her in a light hug before pushing her back by the shoulders looking at her in the eyes.
"I got the call from Yoongi and I wasn't going to come but once Taehyung called again I hopped on a company jet I was worried for you Ara...I got the fax papers emailed to my phone as dear...I'm so sorry" He spoke softly as he held her head.
Ara...couldn't understand how to process the grief the sadness. She quietly nodded.
She cried yesterday...she remembered vaguely being held by jimin.
"I-I it's what it is...I can't control it..." she spoke.
"When we get back we'll get you to see a doctor!" He tried boosting her spirits and she lightly smiled and nodded. They stepped inside to see the boys all knocked out in the living room.
"They all slept here" he asked
"Yes...they took such good care of me" Ara smiled before walking to the kitchen with Sejin and began making breakfast/lunch.
She made omelette and the smell quickly awoke the buys.
"hyung!" Jin was the first one up but his voice quietly woke the rest.
The boys began to all make their way to the kitchen. They all greeted their manager cheerfully. They seemed to miss him greatly. Ara quietly set the plates and drinks for them. They all quickly sat down and began eating with the manager. Ara made her way over to the bags on the counter her medication.
She read over the bottle. One every 12 hours. She grabbed some water before taking her first capsule.
"Ara are you going to eat?" Jimin called out and ara turned around and shook her head and pressed her lips but quickly placed a smile on her face.
"I'm going to make some calls and make sure everything is set for tomorrow's MV shoot" she said and was about to leave.
"Ara! Please sit Im here let me take care of the rest, you can relax and just stick to being with the boys" Sejin said walking me over to the table where he was sitting.
"I'll be back boys" he said before patting ara's head and leaving.
A awkward silence fell upon everyone.
"Thank you..." Ara piped up
"For yesterday I'm sorry...if I caused you all worry and deprived you from sleep, but thank you for taking such good care of me" Ara dipped her head at them.
" don't have to thank us for that, we were genuinely scared and worried for you we're just glad that you're alright in the end" Jimin patted her hand that was on the table.
"I-...I'm grateful for you all truly.." she smiled at them her lip quivered a bit but she held it together. The boys smiled.
"I'm grateful for your cooking it's delicious" Jungkook said with a stuffed mouth and V was looking at him with a deadpan before smacking him upside the head.
"Why..."Jungkook said before rolling his eyes
"Wow...I thought we were more than that Jungkook...I guess it was just my cooking Huh.." Ara said sadly as she picked at her food.
"W-wait...what" his eyes widened looking around the room getting glances specially from a smirking Yoongi.
"I cherish you Ara...not for your cooking but for your personality!" Taehyung spoke loudly causing Ara to let go of a giggle
"Thank you taehyungie...I'll make sure to give you extra attention today" She chuckled and Taehyung made a 'yes' with his fist.
"Alright alright, but just take it easy today and make sure to take your medication in a timely manner" Yoongi spoke and Ara squinted her eyes at him.
"I think you all forget I'm a nurse..." she chuckled and Yoongi smiled
"No...well at least I didn't" He smiled at his hands before meeting her gaze which she broke to avoid her cheeks heating up.

Ara's POV

I avoided Yoongi's gaze because I quickly felt my cheeks heating up.
"Well can we get in the pool today?" Jungkook asked the table and everyone quickly agreed.
I smiled at their conversations and giggled. "Ara will you get in too" Jungkook asked impatiently.
"Sure I don't see why not, I could use the hot tub" I smiled and he grinned scrunching his nose. His excitement was overwhelmingly adorable.
They guys quickly did their own thing for a while. I stayed and washed the dishes and Jin helped me dry them.
"Ara..." I turned up to see Sejin and Jin walked away leaving us alone.
We went over to the dinning table.
"I just wanted to talk to you about well since I've left" He asked and my stomach quickly dropped. My thoughts quickly went to Mr.Kim....did he know. I don't think the boys said anything.
"So...I had a talk with Mr.Kim" He said and I tried so hard to keep my breath from hitching.
"I am not accusing anyone, but according to his niece the day you texted me about having a conflict with 3 of the makeup artist, his niece stated that you spoke to them...'rudely' and ordered them around? Now...again I'm just letting you know I just want to hear your side" he said placing his arms in the table.
'The nerve!!' I was so upset.

"I did not refer to anyone rudely, since we arrived I grabbed everyone's attention and spoke to everyone all together mentioned you were absent and that you left specific tasks and that's it they were talking away as everyone else was listening so I got upset, the boys woke up very early and we were running behind due to their selfishness of not listening. I just spoke to them in the manner I thought would get their attention" I simply stated and he smiled.
"I thought so too hahaha...Jenni can be so troublesome...if it wasn't for the nepotism from Mr.Kim and her she wouldn't be here if it were my choice" he sighed
"The chairman is just a very lenient man he's too kind for his own good" He nodded and I agreed.
"But don't worry I'm back, now you just worry about taking care of the boys cause touring is not's heavy & crucial" he began talking about everything we need and always focus on.
"Nobody is allowed to be with the boys but you and me and backstage staff, we must always keep them in sight even though it's just 7 they're wild kids they disappear literally" he rubbed his forehead causing me to chuckle. He quickly looked up.
"Hahaha I'm sorry it's's true they're goofy and dorky...and sweet"  I smiled looking at the window the pointed out to the pool where they were setting up.
"Sejin..." I called to him as I kept my view on the window. I wasn't going to ask....nor bring it up, but it gnaws at me inside.
"I..we....with the boys...Umm" i rubbed my neck and looked at the table.
"I went back and reread my contract. I see some bullet points I didn't read...and it clearly implies...something" I said and I can see him leaning against the chair and scratching his head.
"I'm not upset...or whatever the boys talked to me already...but why was I hired?" I asked and looked up to meet his eyes and he looked at me without words. After a few seconds he broke the gaze.
"It was the COO and Chief executive that brought the idea...and BangPD agreed to their idea, but once we had everything processed they began to add more details and ideas...and we caught on. I at the time didn't think it was a horrible idea...I thought it would've saved us scandals and    
the boys could have everything they would need, but I quickly denied it knowing it would be wrong. How could we hire a person for matters such as it's not okay. BangPD quickly was becoming indecisive so we agreed to stick to a P.A position but include those points incase such events were to occur there would not be...a problem since the form would be signed, but when I met you, I couldn't bring myself to say it. You were overqualified...confident and kind. I rather you have never known and kept doing what you were doing...but I'm going to go on a limb here and assume something happened the caused you to revisit the contract and pop the question" he asked and admitted and nodded.
"Yeah....but it's fine's going to be 3 weeks since I've been with the boys and I can say that they have captured my interest per say...they are kind and caring. I want nothing more than to keep them happy as they live their dreams I feel like...they need someone to lean on they want need that closure, that's probably about the only thing I agree on with the contract" I smiled once again at the window looking at the boys opening the table umbrellas, throwing floaters in the water. I wasn't aware of Sejin who was smiling at my profile that was looking at the boys. Maybe it puts him at ease that he hired the right...person.

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