"Disperse and canvas the area!" Hange shouts. 

"What was awesome!" Connie says as I smile. 

"And hot," Reiner adds. 

"You never fail to ruin the moment," I say glaring at Reiner. 

"The rest of you! Follow me to where the Titans are gathering and cut them down!" Hange shouts. 

"That's my cue!" I wave. 


"Hey! Wait! You're not apart of the offensive order!" Hange shouts as someone flys around. 

"Die!!" Eren shouts slicing the nape of a Titan. 

"Ha-Ha!! My first ever ODM kill!" Eren cheers. 

As Eren hooked on to a tall pile of debris his wire retracted and tangled with the other. 

"Hey, nice one!" I say sarcastically as Eren falls into the pile of rocks. 

"Idiot! I thought I told you to stay back!" Keiji says.

"Right, I'm sorry sir!!" Eren apologizes as I walk over. 

"You hurt?" I ask. 

"Just a minor scratch, nothing much...Don't tell Mikasa." He shakes. 

"Hey!! Eren!!" Connie shouts.

"We found em'!" Eren says as Connie, Reiner, and Berthodt run over. 

"Oh, I didn't recognize your arm. You okay?" Reiner looks at me weird. 

"Uh...Yea, Titan nearly took it off." I walk over to Reiner. 

"Let me look," I say holding out my hand. 

"Oh! I- No! I'm fine trust me!" Reiner says walking away. 

I grab his arm from the sling, "Smoking..." I mumble. 

He gives me a wide-eyed blank stare, "And..." 

I unravel the wrap a bit, "Hey!" He shouts. 

"Last time I checked, I would at least have a mark," I say looking up. 

His breathing becomes heavy and shaky. I look to my left to see Bertholdt looking at me in pure fear. 


The time was long, but we had managed to sweep the Castel clear of any remaining up until the sunrise. 

"Can't be...She's really...?" Armin shakes. 

We had all gathered around a girl who was laying on a stone with some of her limbs severed.

"Ymir..." Christa says looking down at Ymir.

Ymir opened her eyes just a bit, "Just as promised...My real name is Historia." She says as I take a step back. 

"Are you okay, (y/n)?" Armin says. 

"Historia..." I wobble a bit as Armin catches my back. 

"Hey. What's wrong?" Armin asks. 

"When Levi asked who Pastor Nick was talking about I said Historia instead of Christa," I say. 

"Did you know?" Armin doesn't finish his sentence. 

"No! It just popped into the back of my head and came out!" I say. 


"That's it! Bring it up slowly!" A soldier says looking down at a lift. 

"Steady to ropes, please," Moblit says as Ymir slowly gets lifted.

"What's the verdict? How mad of shape is she in?" Eren asks. 

"Well, she is missing an arm and a leg. Her insides are scrambled. Let's just say, if she was normal, she'd be a goner." Keiji says. 

"Normal, huh?" Eren huffs. 

Hange walks over to me where Ymir is. 

"So, how is she doing?" Hange asks Moblit. 

"Comatose but stable. The bleeding stopped, but steam seems to appear coming out of her wounds." Moblit concludes. 

'God Reiner, I can't keep it a secret forever...' I think looking over to Eren who is helping up Reiner.

I excuse myself from the group and run over to Reiner. 


"Ugh, son of a bitch." Reiner says loving his arm in his sling. 

"You okay over there Reiner?" Eren worries. 

"He's fine," I say under my breath as Reiner's eyes me. 

"Not by a long shot. A Titan nearly gnawed off my arm. Pathetic. And all I could think about was "this is how I go." Heh." Reiner says, putting on a show. 

I bend down to his height, "Way to put on an act." 

"Not. Yet." He rumbles. 

Bertholdt grabs my arms and bends down, "Since when did we plan on telling her?" He whispers. 

"Hey! So why is he allowing to grab you and I'm not?!" He shouts. 

"Really?!" I cover his mouth. 

"Hey, (y/n)? How did you know?" Bertholdt asks. 

"Let me ask you this, where were you guys when the wall fell? Why were you guys terrified when I thought about the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan could be like Eren? Why are there no marks or injured left on Reiner? And why didn't you guys flinch at Marco's death? Possibly because you knew Annie played a part in Marco's death?" They both looked stunned as I stand up and walk away. 

"Reiner...Bertholdt...I do consider you both friends so please, don't make me hurt you..." I say waving. 

"Don't think I won't draw blood." 

.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.

(A/N): I'm really disappointed in this chapter...I'm sorry, I couldn't find another way to make it more interesting. But tomorrow will be a double update and A LOT more interesting!!! I promise!! I love you all!!!

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