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I woke up tied to a chair with Cody also tied to a chair back to back with me. I struggled to get free but the knot was triple knot. My hands still hurt from yesterday, and my shoulder was throbbing. The Dr. came in and smiled evilly at us. He took Hydrofluoric Acid, and poured a little over Cody's hands, I felt so bad for him but I couldn't do anything. He took a gun and shot me in the other shoulder, I screamed and watched as my shoulder bled. We heard a door bust open and a lot of yelling. We saw the people from the agency. I smiled as they took him out and took him away. Our handler untied us and had a medical team  dig out the bullet and patch up the wound in both my shoulders. They patched up my hands with bandages, I thanked them and Cody came over to me. He had bandages on his hands to. I frowned and he asks "What's wrong we're alive". "yeah but this is the first mission we failed we have never failed until now", I say upset. "yeah but every agent has their moments when they screw up", Cody says. "yeah I just thought we were the best maybe the first to never fail, but I guess no one is perfect", I say. He nods agreeably. The director comes up to us and puts his hand on my shoulder "Ow", I say. "sorry", he says. I nod and we leave, I rest in me and Cody's room. I go to sleep that night on my back not my side. I can't sleep on my sides because of my shoulders.

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