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I woke up the next morning, showered,  and put my hair in a ponytail. I put on a blue tee shirt, leggings under them, and a pair of black boots. I woke up Cody and he got dressed. We went to the agency lab and grabbed our equipment. I went to the director and said "What's our mission today". "You have to defeat one of our most trained C.I.A agents ever Dr. Simon Conner he is known to have killed over two hundred million people in the past year, he has been arrested but he escaped so they put us up to this mission", he said. "Wow", I say. We leave and find his lab, we sneak in very quietly. I stop Cody from going forward, I throw a rock on his floor and motion sensors show up, they were invisible so we couldn't see them. I carefully get out my hover board and we climb on top of it. We float to the other side and we see him so we climb up in his ducts to hide. We watch hi from the ducts, he has kidnapped a young boy about 6 years old. I shake my head in disgust. I jump down alarming him, he smiles. "Well what do we have here another young child I can touture then kill", He says. "No just the C.I.A", I say. Cody jumps down to and he grabs a gun and points it at me. He shoots and I dodge the bullets, but one hits me in the arm. I gasp and he laughes. Cody kicks him and knocks him down. He gets up before Cody can knock him out. He grabs Cody's arm and twists it making him fall to his knees. I get up from the ground and kick him but he grabs the shoulder that I got shot in. He squeezes my arm making me fall to my knees. He ties us up to chairs back to back. He takes a blow torch and teases me with it. He burns me just a little bit, I cringe but quickly get over it. I can't pleasure him but showing him what pain I am in. He takes Hydrofluoric Acid (a chemical that burns your skin), and pours it on my hand making it burn. I scream in pain I can't hold it in anymore. He laughs, and I growl.

Life of a Teenage Secret AgentWhere stories live. Discover now