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I woke up the next morning and put on a gray tee shirt, yoga shorts, and white boots. I woke up Cody and he got dressed. We went to the agency, because me and him are starting a series of missions in London. We packed our stuff and got all the equipment we would need. We got in the car with our handlers, they were coming with us to.

We got to London

We went to the agency there that recruited us and we are staying there. We unpacked our stuff and we got ready for our first mission in London. We are supposed to stop the time keeper, he is trying to stop time. He wants to go back into time to fix a mistake he made, but messing with time is dangerous. I told Cody about it on our way to the lab. When we got there we climbed on top of the roof to sneak in through the ducts.I went in first, and Cody came in after me. We found the way into the lab, I jumped out of the duct and into the lab. I hid behind a column and watched as Cody, came out and hid. I listened to their conversation and we need a decoy. "I will be the decoy since last time you were", I say. Cody nods and i sneak closer. I stand fully up and say "Hey time keeper I am here to stop you come and get me baldies", I say. He sends his goons in after me, dang they are strong. One picks me up and slams we down on the ground. I get up and spin kick him in the head. They catches my foot when I kick him and he twirls me around and slams me down. He gets on top of me and knocks me out.

Cody's Pov

I watch as they move their equipment taking Mia with them. Crap I just realized they are kidnapping her. I abort the mission hopping into the car with the handlers. "Where's Mia", they ask. "She was kidnapped so I abort the mission because you can't lose me to who will rescue her obviously I am", I say. They nod and we go back to the base and I get some shut eye before leaving tomorrow. I will rescue her because I might have a big secret crush on her. She's so pretty and sweet to everyone well except the people she fights.

Life of a Teenage Secret AgentWhere stories live. Discover now