Chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning, still a little sore but better. I take a shower, curl my hair, and do my makeup. I put on a red tank top, a blazer to match it, a pair of white yoga shorts, and red boots. I wake up Cody and he gets ready. We leave for our mission, we have to get back the equipment stolen from us. It has to the power to destroy the world literally. We got there and I went in through the ducts, while Cody was the decoy. He bust in through the window and he distracted the evil agent. I jumped down quietly, and snuck over to the equipment and put my hand on it and an alarm went off. The goons saw me and ran after me, they grabbed me and held me down. I elbowed them in the stomach and kicked them in face. They fell down and the agent ran after me punching me in the stomach. He grabbed me and I screamed "let me go". I smash his toe and he lets go, I kick him in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him. I kick him down and Cody knocks him out. We arrest him and go back to the agency. I go to the gym and practice my fighting on a dummy. Cody comes in and sees how mad I am. "Hey hey hey what's wrong", he asks. "When you were distracted by the goons he whispered something to me while we were fighting he said he was the one to kill my sister", I say. "I didn't know you had a sister", he says. "I use to she worked for the same agency as we do today they came to my house and I was just a baby and they killed her in front of me it was traumatizing that's why I haven't forgot", I say. Cody hugs me out of sympathy. I go back to our room and go to sleep, a little upset.

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