Chapter 11

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I wake up the next morning, shower, and curl my hair. I put on a tee shirt and jeans. Me and Cody have to get back to the camp because it's parents day. We get in the jet and leave immediately.

Three Hours Later

We arrive just in time, the jet leaves and the parents start to arrive. Cody's parents get out of the car and Cody groans quietly. I laugh and say "The good thing about having evil secret agents is that they arn't allowed here", I say. He rolls his eyes and hugs his parents. "Hi I am Mia, Cody's friend", I say to them. "More like girl friend", His brother says. Cody rolls his eyes and we both show them around. "So Mia where are you parents", Cody's mom asks. "Their not with us anymore their dead", I say lying. Obviously I can't tell them they are evil secret agents and not allowed here. "Oh i'm so sorry I didn't know", She says. "It's fine i'm over it", I say. She nods and they go ahead and Cody gives me the look. I shrug my shoulders.

That NightWe all sit around a camp fire with our parents and sing the camp song. When the parents leave are friends hug us. "We missed you guys", Ryan says. "We missed you to", I say. Ryan touches the burn on my arm and says "What happened". "Our missions can be dangerous sometimes", I say. He nods and we go to our cabin and stay the night. Tomorrow we will have to leave to get back to our missions, I will miss these guys but it's our job.

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