Chapter 1

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After the tour of Mystic Falls, Ellie's childhood memories were coming back to her. She remembered the days where she and her father would go around and just hang out. The last part of the tour was Jeremy's house. Jeremy grinned at his new friend and said to her, "And this is my place. I live with my sister and my aunt." Ellie replied, looking around the house as Jeremy invited her in, "Wow, nice place you've got." Jeremy smiled and said, "Thanks. Do you have a place to stay in town? You said you were born and raised here, maybe you have a place around here, with your family." Ellie replied, sighing, "That part of me is complicated, Jeremy. I'm certain that my family is too busy to notice that I'm gone." Jeremy nodded in understanding and said, "Maybe one of these days you can tell me, no rush. I can try to talk to Aunt Jenna to see if you can stay." Once he said that, an older woman came into the room and smiled at the sight of Jeremy. The woman came up to the two teenagers and said to Jeremy, bringing him into a hug, "Hey, Jeremy. I see you've made a new friend. Who's this?" Jeremy replied, standing next to Ellie, "This is Ellie Brandon, Aunt Jenna, she's new in town. Ellie, this is Jenna Sommers, my aunt and legal guardian. She doesn't have a place to stay at the moment, Aunt Jenna." Jenna smiled at her nephew and said, turning to Ellie, "Well, she can stay with us, if she likes. You will have to tell Elena first to prepare herself." Ellie smiled at the woman and replied, "Oh, you don't have to, Mrs. Sommers. I wouldn't want to intrude." Jenna smiled at the teenage girl and said, "Oh, it's quite alright. I don't mind at all, besides it will be nice for some more company. With Jeremy and Elena bickering most of the time, it does feel lonely without another mediator in the house. And please, call me Jenna." Ellie smiled and replied, "Alright, Jenna. I guess I'm here to stay."

Now that she had found a place to stay, all that she needed to do was to find a way to talk to her father and uncle. She had found her father but not her uncle. Jeremy came up to his new friend who was sitting on the couch, looking out onto space. He sat next to her and said, smiling, "Something on your mind, Ellie?" Ellie replied, "Yeah, I'm just thinking about my dad and uncle." Jeremy said, "What about them?" Ellie cleared her throat and said, "Jeremy, can you promise to keep a secret? *Jeremy nodded* Okay, my dad and uncle are Damon and Stefan Salvatore." Jeremy's eyes widened, Damon never told him that he had a daughter, much less a kid. Then again, Damon never really talks about his past or family life. Ellie said, explaining her story to Jeremy, "When I was ten years old, my dad sent me away with my uncle who gave me to a couple of their friends. I never knew the reason why, that's why I'm here in Mystic find out why." Jeremy replied, "Well, to cut your search short, I know your dad and uncle. Both of them were in a relationship with my sister, Elena." Ellie had a grossed out face and said, "As in the three of them at once? That's just gross." Jeremy laughed and replied, "No, no, no. Elena was in relationship with them at separate times. Damon never told us that he had a daughter." Ellie said, "My dad doesn't really like to talk about his past that much. Some of it has so much pain and suffering and some of it was too much to bare. He never told me about my mom, only that she died giving birth to me." Jeremy said, "Wow, I never knew that about Damon." Ellie replied, "Look, Jeremy. I need to find my dad and uncle to get some answers. Now, I just don't want to walk up to them and out of the blue, say 'Oh, hey. I'm your daughter and niece who you gave away for six years. And now I'm back.' That will just scare them."

Before Jeremy could respond, the door opened, catching the two friends' attention, and a teenage girl walked in. She turned to look at Jeremy and stared at Ellie with confusion. She said to Jeremy, "Who is she, Jeremy?" Jeremy replied, introducing his sister to his new friend, "Oh, Elena, this is Ellie Brandon, she's new in town. Ellie, this is my sister, Elena Gilbert." Ellie smiled at her new friend's sister and said, nodding at her, "Hello." For a moment, Elena thought she saw Damon in Ellie. She shaked her head and replied, "Hi, Ellie. It's nice to meet you." Jeremy said to his sister, "She doesn't have a place to stay at the moment so she's gonna stay with us for awhile." Elena smiled and said, taking a seat on the couch next to Ellie, "It will be nice to have another girl in the house." Ellie smiled and replied, "I'm glad I can give you that." Jeremy said to Ellie, "Is it okay if I tell Elena?" Ellie said, "I guess but we can't tell everyone." Jeremy nodded and said to Elena, "Elena, Ellie came to Mystic Falls to find her dad and uncle and she needs help." Elena replied, looking at Ellie, "Well, who are they? That would be a great place to start." Jeremy said, hesitantly, "That's the thing, Elena, we already know them. Damon and Stefan." Elena's eyes widened in shock, she couldn't believe that either of them had a daughter or niece. Elena said, "So are you a vampire?" Ellie stared at Elena with confusion and said, "Vampire? That's Halloween stuff. Vampires don't even exist. I'm human." Damon Salvatore has a human daughter? That was the funniest thing that Elena had ever heard. Elena made a mental note to talk about it to Damon. Ellie said, "I want to be able to talk to my dad and uncle without them freaking out on me." Elena nodded in understanding and replied, "Well, there is going to be a homecoming party tonight at my friend's, Caroline, house. I just know that Damon and Stefan with both be there." Ellie said, "Then, I guess that I'll conduct a plan then."

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