Chapter 22

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Suddenly, Ellie felt a  sting of pain come from her leg and she turned her leg, wincing when she  saw a bad scrape on her ankle. Ellie went to stand but gasped in pain  and fell back down again. Her eyes widened when she heard footsteps and  turned to see a figure appear among the trees. She began to back away,  grabbing her backpack and books as she did, and breathed heavily. The figure revealed themselves to be Damon and he looked at his daughter with worry. Ellie said, her heart racing, "Dad? What are you doing here?" Damon replied, "Jeremy called me and told me that you left the grill without saying where you were and you've been gone for about a few  hours. You really thought that I would listen to what you said the other day?" Ellie glared at her father and said, "Yes, because you and  Uncle Stefan need to get along." She went to stand but winced in  pain from the scrape on her ankle, her hands instantly going to her  ankle to comfort it. Damon caught the action and instantly went to his  daughter's side to see what was causing her pain. His daughter saw his  gesture and moved her ankle away from him, backing up slowly. The eldest Salvatore sighed and said to his daughter, "Ellie, you're hurt. Please, let me help you." Ellie looked into her father's eyes, ones she had  inherited herself when she was born, and hesitantly gave him her ankle. Damon cringed at the sight of the scrape on his daughter's ankle and  said, trying to lighten the mood, "Geeze, what did you do? Play tag with  an animal or something?" Ellie rolled her eyes and replied, "I tripped,  Dad." Damon chuckled and said, "Relax, I was just kidding, El." Ellie crossed her arms and replied, with a scowl, "Could've fooled me." Damon pulled out his friend and started to call someone. Ellie raised her  eyebrow and said, watching her father with suspicion, "What are you doing?" Damon replied, "Calling your uncle. Can't have you with a bad scrape like that." Ellie huffed and said, "Great, go figure."

She had done all she could to avoid her two family members but now her clumsy self just had to go against her. It didn't take long before Stefan arrived with Elena, Jeremy, Matt, and Tyler. Ellie rolled her eyes and said, "Didn't think you had to bring the whole cavalry." Elena chuckled and replied, "We just want to make sure you're okay, El. That's what friends are for." Ellie just shaked her head with a scowl and inched away when Stefan came towards her. Stefan sighed and said to his niece, "Come on, Ellie. You're going to have to trust me and your dad right now. That's a pretty bad scrape you got there." Ellie huffed with her arms crossed and had no choice but to let her uncle hold her ankle. Jeremy, Matt, and Tyler all cringed at the sight of the scrape and looked at each other. Damon looked at his brother and said to him, "What do you think, baby bro?" Stefan turned to his brother and replied, "Unless you want to result to using vampire blood, which shouldn't be necessary, then we would have to wrap it up with bandages and call the doctor." Ellie let out an annoyed sigh and said, "Great. Why does it always have to be me that gets injured and end up going to the hospital?" Damon rolled his eyes with a small smile and chuckled. A part of Damon wanted to use his vampire blood to heal his daughter but his papa bear was against it. He turned to his brother and said to him, "Let's just wrap it up with bandages and call the doc." Stefan nodded and said to Ellie, concerned, "Are you able to stand by yourself, El?" Ellie took a deep breath and replied, "I can try." Damon held out his hand for his daughter, causing Stefan to move out of the way, and helped her to her feet. Ellie stood for what seemed to be a few seconds then lost her balance, falling in her father's arms, letting out a gasp of pain as she did. Damon said, "That's one scrape you got there, kid. Come here." With that, Damon grabbed Ellie into his arms, carrying her bridal style. Ellie groaned and said, looking at her scrape, "Why is it always me?" Damon just smirked and replied, "You're just as clumsy as your mom was." Stefan, Jeremy, Matt, and Tyler stayed back as Damon took Ellie to his car, with Elena close behind. Matt started to look around to see what had caused Ellie to get that scrape on her ankle. Jeremy turned to Matt and said to him, "What are you doing, Matt?" Matt stopped and replied, "Trying to find what caused that scrape on Ellie's ankle." Tyler said to Matt, shrugging his shoulders, "It probably was a branch or a rock that Ellie tripped on, Matt. You heard Damon, she is clumsy." Stefan held the urge to roll his eyes and said to Tyler, "Maybe Matt is on to something. You guys keep looking around here, something with fresh blood. I'm gonna go and see if Bonnie has found anything about Katherine." Before either of the three teenage boys could respond, Stefan sped off.

At the Salvatore Boardinghouse, Bonnie stood in the living room as she waited for Stefan to arrive. The door opened and turned to see Stefan walking into the living room, with a serious look on his face. Bonnie raised her eyebrow and said to Stefan, "What's up, Stefan? Everything okay?" Stefan nodded and replied, "Yeah, Damon and Elena took Ellie to the hospital to get her ankle checked out. Did you find anything about Katherine?" Bonnie shaked her head and said, "Not yet, unfortunately. I've used every spell I knew and came up with nothing, zero, zip, nada. But, I keep on having these weird dreams lately. *Stefan nodded at her to continue* I think that Katherine isn't planning on using Ellie as a sacrifice to get Ellie to be a hybrid. She's waiting for something else. Something big." Bonnie was interrupted when the door to the Salvatore Boardinghouse opened and Damon, along with Elena, walked in. His eyes landed on Bonnie and said, "What is she doing here?" Stefan turned to his brother and replied, "I asked her here to see if she had found anything on Katherine. Where's Ellie?" Elena said to Stefan, "She's with Jeremy. I told her that she needed to path things up with Jeremy, that has gone on for far too long." Stefan nodded in understanding and agreed with Elena. It seems like ever since Ellie's wolf side appeared, Ellie had put up walls around her and things were going down hill. Damon crossed his arms and said to Bonnie, standing next to Elena, "Alright, so do you have anything?" Bonnie replied, "As I was telling Stefan, Kathrine isn't planning on using Ellie as a sacrifice to get Ellie to be a hybrid. She's waiting for something......something big." Damon said, glancing at Elena, "What kind of something?" Bonnie's eyes widened as she thought about it and replied, "For Ellie to die." Damon's eyes widened and he turned to look at his brother, who also looked at him with fear.

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