Chapter 7

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By the time Damon had found out that Ellie was with the Mikaelsons, Stefan was way ahead of him and headed to the Mikaelson residence. Of course, he couldn't walk in without being invited. He stood on the porch with his arms crossed as he waited for someone to answer the door. Elijah opened the door and said to Stefan, "Ah, Stefan." Stefan glared at the eldest Mikaelson and replied, with a stern voice, "Where is she?" Elijah said, "Calm down, Stefan. Ellie is in the living room. Come in." Stefan stepped into the house, glaring at Elijah, and raced into the living room. When he got there, he found Ellie laying on the couch, unconscious. Concern and fear showed on his face as he raced to his niece's side. He said, not caring who answered, "What happened to her?" Tyler replied, glancing at Matt, "Klaus and Rebekah told her about vampires, werewolves, and witches and that she could possibly be the hybrid in the prophecy." Stefan sighed and said, "Damon's not gonna be happy about this." Klaus said to Stefan, with a hint of annoyance in his voice, "Maybe if you had listened to us in the first place, you would have known that there was a prophecy surrounding the little Salvatore and that there is a witch coven coming for her death." Stefan replied, standing to face Klaus, "Damon and I knew about the prophecy, Klaus! We just wanted her to have a normal life without her having to look behind her back of every second of every minute of every hour of every day!! It was what her mother wanted!" Klaus clicked his tongue and said, "Ah, dear, sweet Victoria. I wonder how she would feel if she found out about the many secrets and deeds you have kept from her beloved daughter. Certainly not very pleased or proud." At the mention of his deceased sister-in-law's name, Stefan used his super speed and pushed Klaus against the wall with a menacing look. He shouted, "Don't......say her name! Not when Ellie's in the room!!" All of a sudden, everything seemed to stop when a soft groan came from the couch. Ellie's voice said, at the sound of her uncle's voice, "Uncle Stefan?" Stefan relaxed at his niece's call for him and went to her side, kneeling down to her. He brushed some of his niece's hair from her face and said to her, "I'm here, Ellie. Are you okay?" Ellie replied, "Other than feeling like I've been ran over by a truck, I'm fine. What happened?" Klaus said, "You fainted, love." Ellie turned to her uncle and said to him, "Uncle Stefan, am I really a hybrid?" Stefan didn't get the chance to respond when Damon barged into the room with Rebekah behind him, along with Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and Jeremy. Ellie turned to see her father in the room and looked down at the ground. She knew that she was in for it now. Damon walked over to his daughter and said to her, "Ellie, what did you do? First, I get a call from Stefan, frantically telling me that you were at the Mikaelsons. Who I may remind you are the one of the baddest people around. And second, I find out that this little stunt you pulled with your friends was entirely your idea, even though Jeremy tried to convince me that it was his." Matt chuckled nervously and said to Ellie, "Well, Ellie, you were halfway correct about what your dad was gonna say." Everyone turned to look at Matt with glares. Ellie turned back to her father and said to him, repeating the same question she asked her uncle, "Dad, am I really a hybrid?" Damon sighed, he knew that he would have to tell Ellie her background sooner or later. He turned to look at Stefan who then looked at Caroline, giving her a small nod.

With that, Caroline and Bonnie both shooed everyone out of the room to give the three Salvatore's some privacy. Once everyone was gone, Damon decided to tell Ellie about her background. He said to Ellie, "Ellie, there's no easy way to put this. But......" Stefan said to Ellie, "Your father and I are vampires." Ellie replied, shaking her head, "That's not possible. That's just Halloween hocus pocus stuff." Damon sighed and said, "Ellie, all that hocus pocus stuff was made to keep others from tracking vampires, werewolves, and witches." Ellie replied, confused, "Tracking?" Stefan said, "Hunting to be more precise. That's what why we had to give you to the Brandon's." Ellie replied, "Because you guys were being hunted?  Why didn't you tell me?" Damon said, "Ellie, when you're being hunted and you have a ten year old kid, sometime you have to make decisions that sounds right at the time." Ellie replied, "What about Mom? Was she a vampire too?" Damon said, flinching about the mention of his deceased wife, "No, she was actually a werewolf. We met before I got turned into a vampire." Ellie said, "So, I wasn't born a vampire?" Stefan chuckled and replied, "No, you were and still are technically human but you have werewolf blood in you." Ellie said, "Then, why did Klaus call me a hybrid?" Damon glanced at Stefan and replied, "In the prophecy, it was that a person, born with werewolf in their blood then turned into a vampire, would bring peace to both vampires and werewolves." Ellie said, "I guess that prophecy surrounds me?" Damon replied, "We were told it does but we aren't really sure. We are still trying to figure out which witch coven is after you." Ellie said, giving her father a pointed look, "Which is why we kinda need the Mikaelson siblings' help, Dad." Klaus said, coming back into the room, "At least she's the one with the brains of the Salvatore family."

Both Damon and Stefan turned to Klaus and gave him matching glares. Ellie rolled her eyes and said to her father and uncle, "Dad, Uncle Stefan. We could really use their help, they could be useful to us. Besides, Elijah told me that they had already begun their search." Damon turned back to his daughter and said, raising his voice, "You've been in contact with them?!" Ellie sighed in exasperation and replied, "Yes, Dad! But I've only been in contact with Elijah. This all revolves around me so I figured we can do things my way. If not, then I'll do things on my own." Stefan smirked at his brother and said to Damon, "She clearly is your daughter." Damon just rolled his eyes then turned to look back at his daughter. Damon stared into his daughter's eyes, who only stared at him back. Soon, it became a showdown. After a couple minutes of the showdown, Damon gave in, causing Ellie to smirk in triumph. Ellie turned to her uncle who smiled at her and she smiled back. Damon sighed and said, "Fine. We'll do this your way as long as we set some rules. If you find anything and it leads you somewhere, you have to call me and Stefan and have your friends go with you. Safety in numbers." Stefan nodded in agreement and said, "If you are with any of the Mikaelson siblings, you contact us immediately." Ellie sighed and replied, "Okay. The same goes for you about the contact stuff. This deal can only work if the other other party does the same." Damon nodded and said to his daughter, "Alright, a deal is a deal." Ellie smiled at her father and looked at her uncle. Stefan only smiled in return.

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