Chapter 8

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Soon after learning about the prophecy and her background, Ellie began to start her investigation. The first place she started was the attic in the Salvatore Boardinghouse. She thought it would be fun if she had her friends over to help her with her search. In the attic, Ellie walked into the large room, with her friends behind her. Matt looked around and said to Ellie, "What exactly are we looking for?" Ellie shrugged her shoulders and replied, as Jeremy came up to her to stand next to her, "Anything that has ties to the prophecy with me." Caroline came up to her friend and said, holding her phone and a speaker in her hands, "Well, if this is going to take a while, we might as well have fun with it." Ellie just shaked her head with a smile and laughed. She said, "Alright, I think it would be better if all of us took each section of the room, just to cover the tracks and go through everything." Everyone nodded and went to their section of the attic. Bonnie turned to look at Ellie, who was going through a box, and said to her, "So, Ellie. Where are Damon and Stefan?" Ellie looked up from looking through the box and replied, "They had a lead somewhere and they went with Elijah and Uncle Alaric. They told me that they'll call me when they find out something." Bonnie nodded in understanding and went back to looking.

After about an hour of searching, which seemed like an eternity to the group of friends, they didn't find anything. Ellie sighed, all she found in the boxes of her corner was just some of her father and uncle's old stuff. Until, a book that had a woman's name written on it had caught her eye. She reached over the stuff on the floor and grabbed the book, opening it to read. Jeremy noticed this and said to Ellie, "Watcha got there, Ellie? Did you find something?" Ellie replied, "It looks like a diary or a journal of some sort." All of her friends came around Ellie to look at her finding. Caroline sat next to her friend and said to her, "Who does it belong to?" Ellie shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I'm not sure." Tyler said, grabbing Ellie's attention, "If it belonged to someone, check the front or back of the book. There should be a name of the owner somewhere." Ellie did that and found a name. Her eyes widened when she realized who it belonged to, her mother. Matt said to Ellie, concerned, "Everything okay? Did you find a name?" Ellie nodded and replied, her voice breaking, "Yeah, it belonged mom." Bonnie said, gently placing her hand on her friend's arm, "If you don't feel like reading an entry out loud, you don't have to." From the time she has known Ellie, Bonnie knew that Ellie's mother was a touchy subject, even for Damon and Stefan.

From what Stefan had told her, Ellie's mother was the best thing that could have happened to the Salvatore trio. Ellie's mother was Damon's rock and light, only she could calm him down or get him to smile when he went through one of his spasms. For Stefan, she was the older sister that he always wanted. If Stefan was in an situation with Damon or something else, she would be the one to get him out of it. Ellie nodded and looked up at the sound of her name being called by her uncle. Stefan walked in and said to the group who were surrounding Ellie, "Hey, did you guys find anything?" Ellie quickly hid her mother's journal in her backpack before her uncle could see it. She smiled nervously and replied, "Nope, nothing yet. Just some of yours and Dad's old stuff." Stefan raised his eyebrow and said, "Uh-huh." Ellie replied, "How about you and Dad? Did you find anything?" Stefan said, "We may have found a link to the witch coven but we aren't sure yet. Your dad's looking into it right now with Klaus and Elijah. They'll be back later tonight. So, it will be just me and you until they come back, kiddo." Ellie smiled at her uncle and nodded. Stefan smiled back at his niece and headed back downstairs, leaving the group of friends. Ellie let out a sigh of relief and went back to her backpack. Tyler raised his eyebrow with suspicion and said to Ellie, "Why didn't you tell Stefan about your mom's diary?" Ellie replied, "My dad and uncle really don't like when my mom is either mentioned or talked about. She played a huge part of their lives that it nearly tore them apart when she died. She's just a subject that doesn't get brought up in this house."

Ellie and her friends then cleaned up the mess they had made while looking and walked down the staircase. Ellie heard her uncle talking to someone and stopped midway. She moved to where she could see her uncle talking to an woman who seemed almost similar to Caroline. Ellie turned to Caroline and whispered to her friend, "Caroline, isn't that your mom?" Caroline turned to see who Ellie was talking about and whispered, confused, "Yes, she is. What is she doing here?" The friends continued down the stairs and made their way to where Stefan and Liz Forbes, Caroline's mother, were standing in the large living room. Ellie walked over to her uncle and said, "Uncle Stefan, who's this?" Stefan turned to his niece and replied, smiling, "Ellie, this is Sheriff Forbes, she's Caroline's mom and the town sheriff." Liz smiled at the girl and said, "Hello, Ellie. Caroline has told me so much about you." Caroline held back a groan and said, making her presence known to her mother, "Uh, Mom. Right here." Liz turned to see her daughter with her friends and smiled. Caroline crossed her arms and said, "What brings you here, Mom? You didn't tell me you were coming to Ellie's." Liz smiled and replied, "Well, Damon and Stefan have asked me for help in their little witchy situation." Ellie turned to her uncle and said to him, "Uncle Stefan, is it okay if we go to town and see what we find?" Stefan replied, "As long as you call your dad and tell him where you are first, I don't mind. If anything weird is going on, you call me and your dad. Got it?" Ellie went into a soldier position and said, saluting her uncle, "Sir, yes, sir." Stefan only rolled his eyes with a smile and replied, chuckling, "Alright, get outta here before I change my mind." With that, Ellie shoved her friends out of the door, nearly pushing them out. Stefan shaked his head at his niece's antics with a smile and turned back to talk to Liz.

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