Pt. 66: The Gathering

Start from the beginning


Luna slowly ate the last few spoonfuls. She didn't want it to be over so soon, so she savored the flavor as much as she could. Loki also had a bit more still in his bowl, but he paid it no mind. He kept his eye on Luna most of the time, watching her eat and drink her fill. She spared him a glance but made no signal for him to stop.

He silently enjoyed Luna as she was: alive, content, and calm. The sight itself was food for his soul, and he ate it up gladly. He felt like he could look at her forever and never get tired, but even if he did, he'd remember this day. He'd remember how beautiful she was, how vibrant her eyes were, and the shades of her skin in the afternoon sun.

Loki fantasized about the rest of his day. Though he knew the others would want their time with Luna, he felt jealous at the prospect. He wanted the afternoon and night with her all to himself. He planned to dance with her, kiss her, love her, and woo her all over again. He'd keep her and make up for all their lost time, completely undisturbed. The thought sent excited shivers to his feet, and for a few seconds, he felt youthful again.

As Loki spooned a piece of fish, a figure approached him from the side and stopped next to the table. He recognized the uniform and looked up. It was a member of the King's Guard.

"Prince Loki," the man began, "King T'Challa has summoned you to appear in front of the Royal Court. I am to escort you to the palace once you have finished your meal."

Loki glanced down at his bowl. "Alright. I'll be right with you." The Guard nodded curtly and left for the front of the eatery.

"You gotta leave right now? So soon?" Luna said in a hushed tone.

"How'd they know you were here?" Tony asked.

"They have ways," Loki answered and gestured to his bowl. "Now, I best finish this."

Regrettably, it didn't take him long. He took one last sip of his water and stepped out from his seat. Unexpectedly, Luna got up too and took his hand.

"I want to walk with you. Just a little bit," she said in a low voice. Loki pulled a small smile and squeezed her hand. They both wanted more time with each other, but apparently, others wanted them elsewhere.

"Thank you," he whispered and started for the awaiting Guard.

Behind them, Tony knocked back his drink and paid for the meals. He had no card, but the remnants of his suit worked well enough for FRIDAY to do a wireless transfer.

As the two exited the eatery, the Guard stood at attention and gestured to the hovering cart ready to take Loki to the palace. Loki nodded confidently at the Guard and looked down at Luna to bid his goodbye, but as they locked eyes, he found himself unable. Her eyes spelled out her longing for him, and he had no doubt his were saying the same. He didn't want to disrespect T'Challa, but he also didn't want to leave Luna, especially not a couple of hours after she woke up. Loki felt torn down the middle.

The Guard quickly grew impatient with the prince's loitering. "You can bring your friend," he sighed. "There's a waiting area." Loki didn't have to be told twice and quickly took his seat in the cart with Luna close beside him.

The Guard took the helm and slowly steered the cart down the street. Luna held tight to Loki's arm as the breeze gently tousled their hair. Loki lay a hand over hers, looked down to study her expression, and found nothing but amazement and wonder. Curious, he shifted his gaze and watched what she watched. Vibrant colors flew past at incredible speeds, all made up of the Golden City's sights and sounds.

The cart wound up, down, and around unfamiliar streets. Neither Luna nor Loki knew what the palace looked like or where it was, so they continued to blindly admire their surroundings. As the cart began to gain elevation, their stomachs dropped instinctively. It followed a curved path around the side of a large building. Loki stared up at its splendor and held Luna close. Now, he had no doubt in his mind that this was the palace.

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