Pt. 62: What Do We Say To Death?

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A/N: Ok, y'all, this chapter is a DOOZY. It gets violent, but like I've mentioned before, it's nothing y'all haven't seen in your local MCU movie. You will be mad at me, but please, hold your anger. There is a method to my apparent madness and I need y'all to Stay Calm until my points are made. And, as usual, songs are added at the end.


Loki rest his chin on the heel of his hand. "But how is that even possible?" he asked.

"I'm not sure," Wanda answered. "I've never made any sense of it myself. After the initial testing rounds, we all thought we were dead, but my brother and I made it out. I got this," she waved a hand, eliciting red waves around her fingers, "and he got super speed. As they say, that's just the way the chips fell."

"And all that from the scepter?"


"Fascinating. Completely fascinating."

From the corner of his eye, Loki spotted Steve strolling up to the pilot's seat.

"Drop to 2600, heading 0-3-0," he said to Sam.

Sam did as instructed, but with a shred of doubt. "I hope you're right about this, Cap. Or we're gonna land a lot faster than you want to."

Loki rose and walked up to Steve. He peered out the windshield and saw miles of treetops with no clear place to land.

"Rogers," he murmured, "are you trying to lead us to our imminent deaths?"

"Just watch. Surprised me my first time, too."

"What surprised you?" As Steve pointed at the window, the approaching canopy disappeared to reveal a beautiful, bustling city. Loki's eyes went wide, and his jaw dropped. "Oh, by Odin's beard..."

Steve chuckled. "Yeah. Nice, isn't it?"

"That's an understatement if I ever heard one," Sam said, and gently guided the quinjet onto the designated airfield.

Steve assisted Vision in getting out of his seat and tapped Loki on the shoulder.

"Hey," he started, "stick by me and don't say anything. The Wakandans are the smartest and best fighters around. We don't need to give them a reason to think we mean them ill will."

Loki huffed. "By 'we,' you mean 'me?'" Steve glanced away. He didn't have to speak for Loki to get his answer. "With all due respect, Captain, I am much better at negotiating peace than all of you combined. I was a king, you know. For a time."

"Sure. Just don't get ahead of yourself."

Loki pulled his collar stiff and followed obediently, but not without a light glare. The door opened up, and he strut forward, head held high as if it was any old meeting with a regular dignitary. In the closing distance, he spotted who he assumed was the king. And what a mighty king he appeared to be. Beyond a ring, he had no need for embellishments, for his robe was his cape and his hair his crown. He didn't have to say a word and Loki admired him already.

"Should we bow?" he heard Bruce utter to Rhodey.

"Yeah, he's a king," Rhodey responded. Loki imagined it and tried not to smile.

Steve took the lead and held out his hand. "Seems like I'm always thanking you for something," he said, and T'Challa shook his hand.

The tip of a spear is swiftly pointed at Loki's throat.

"My king," the woman wielding it says, keeping her eyes glued to her possible opponent. "What is this man doing here?"

T'Challa held up a hand. "Down, Okoye. He's here to help. Apparently, he knows everything about our oncoming attackers." Okoye slowly lowered her weapon and T'Challa stepped up to Loki. "We are not blind people, Loki. We know what you did." He paused and looked him up and down. "However, I am a forgiving king. You claim you are here on honest means?"

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