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"Sam can you say 'Bobby'." Dean asks, looking at Sam's big, hazel eyes. You can see how much Sam idolizes Dean just from the look on his face. Sam's eyes sparkle as he looks at his older brother. However when Dean looks at Sam, you can tell that he's protective. He has that confidence and adult streak in him that he will always look out for Sam. That's just in Dean's blood.

The 2 of them are currently sitting on the floor in the kitchen and Sam hasn't stopped smiling.
For obvious reasons.

"..Bob.." Sam stutters while smiling at Dean.
Dean has taught Sam so much compared to any other young child in Kansas. Sam is a genius compared to them all. Dean enjoys teaching him words and showing him how to do certain things. And Mary couldn't appreciate it more, Dean has done more with Sam than what John has done. It saddens Mary, but at the same time she knows that Dean and Sam will be forever intwined with each other because of their closeness and how much they need each other.

"No, no 'Bo-bby'." Dean chuckles, sounding it out for Sam to have a better understanding.
Or as much as a baby can understand.

"..Bobby.." Sam stutters a bit, watching his older brother intently. He listens to Dean speak and then tries mimicking the sounds.
It's absolutely adorable if you ask Mary.
Mary is watching her two sons on the floor and she honestly couldn't ask for anything more than for them to be happy. And it seems that they are both happier when they are together.

"Yeah good job Sammy!" Dean cheers happily, clapping his hands together. He is always incredibly proud of Sam, no matter what he does. But having him learn words while being so young is just mind blowing to Dean. He thinks that he has the coolest little brother in the whole world.
And he totally does.

Sam giggles and claps his hands too, copying after his brother.

"Did you hear that Uncle Bobby?!" Dean calls, getting up from the floor. He looks across the table at Bobby with the biggest grin on his face.

"Sam said your name! He really said it!" Dean says excitedly, jumping up and down. Mary honestly has no clue where Dean gets all his energy from. Dean eats healthy, but then again he does eat a lot too and he obviously has to burn it off somehow.

"Well by golly I did! You're a great teacher there Dean!" Bobby says as Dean comes running around the table to Bobby. Sam follows behind his brother on all fours because he can't exactly run yet. Bobby gives Dean a high five and pats him on the head gently. Dean gives Bobby a proud grin and looks back at Sam on the floor next to his legs.
Mary shakes her head fondly and sighs happily.

"Okay Dean it's time for Sam's nap." Mary says, getting up from her seat and walking around the table to pick Sam up.

"Awwwww..but.." Dean whine, giving her his pouty face.
Most of the time when Dean uses that face and its to spend time with Sam it works, but Sam does need to nap, which Dean thinks is weird because Sam never really looks tired when he's suppose to have his nap.

"No buts, go get Bobby a drink." Mary demands, cradling Sam in her arms. Dean drops his shoulders and nods.

"Okay mom." Dean says, watching his mother start walking up the stairs. Sam peeks over Mary's shoulder as she walks.
Dean waves and Sam waves back over Mary's shoulder.

Dean heads for the fridge to retrieve a beer for Bobby. He returns to the table and hands it to Bobby.

"Thanks kid." Bobby smiles, as Dean returns one back. Now that he doesn't have Sam to play with, he'll have to find something else to keep himself entertained. Dean thinks for a moment and takes off to the living room to grab his little toy Impala. His favourite toy of all time. Not even Legos can rank higher than his toy Impala. Dean finds it and races back to join Bobby at the table again.

"So Dean I heard that you have a little lady friend at school." Bobby smirks, opening his beer.

"Yeah her name's Jo, she is really pretty!" Dean beams, sitting at the table right beside Bobby, playing with his car. He races it back and forth.

"Ah I see." Bobby says, recognizing the name. He knows Jo's mum, Ellen. Bobby and Ellen have worked together before and are good friends. He knew that she had a kid, but never thought that Dean and Jo would cross paths so early in their lives.

"Is that your favourite car?" Bobby asks, watching Dean gently race it over the wood table.

"Yeah! Do you know what type it is uncle Bobby?" Dean asks, beaming at Bobby. John actually gave him the toy. Dean loved riding in John's car and always told John that when he's old enough, he's going to get a car just like his daddy. John thought that if he could find the toy model of his car, Dean would remember him a little more because of him being absent so often.
Dean remembers when John gave it to him. He came home from 'work' and Dean just turned 4. John searched everywhere to find the exact model of his car in the toy version. He found it just outside of Ohio state when he was working a Wendigo job. He knew that Dean would love it, so he had to buy it.

Bobby obviously knows the make of the car because he's known John for so long, but he is curious about Dean's knowledge on cars.

"No, what is it?" Bobby asks, watching Dean closely.

Bobby really loves coming to see Dean and Sam, Mary and John too of course. They are his family and family is important. He does wish that John would come home for awhile though because Bobby doesn't want him to regret not being home when his kids were young. He wants John to appreciate what he has before it disappears and his job consumes him.

"It's a Black, '67, Chevy Impala!" Dean grins proudly, handing it to Bobby so he can look at it.

"Woah! aren't you a smarty pants!" Bobby says, holding the model in his hand. He doesn't know how John got so lucky finding the exact year, and model of his own car. Somebody upstairs must be looking over him.

"Not even a scratch on'er!" Bobby admires, running a finger along the side of the car. Dean watches Bobby hold and examine his toy carefully. And Dean takes pride in how nice his toy car looks. Considering he takes it pretty much everywhere with him, it is in perfect shape.

"I'm very careful with it so I can get a car just like daddy's when I'm older!" Dean says as Bobby hands it back to him. Dean takes it and races it on the table again.

"Oh yeah, I forgot John got that nice car." Bobby recalls jokingly. John is always talking about that damn car.
Another thing John takes pride in, other than his wife and kids is his damn car. He always keeps the inside just as clean as the outside.

"It's the best car ever!" Dean says, admiring the toy car in his hand.

"Yeah your father loves that car!" Bobby says, rolling his eyes and chuckling lightly. Dean nods in agreement with Bobby, gently pushing the car across the table to watch it roll.

"Keep it up and you'll be able to drive 'er when you're 5!" Bobby says, watching Dean continue to play with the car. Dean grins widely and gasps.

"You think so uncle Bobby?" Dean asks happily.

That car is John's precious, his pride and joy. And Bobby believes that John will give it to Dean when he's older. Dean is responsible, even if he is stubborn sometimes...Gee, wonder where Dean gets that from?
But many memories are in that car too. Bobby still remembers when Dean shoved a piece of Lego in the vent. John was pissed, but then kinda realized that he made it his own. What other black, 1967 Chevrolet Impala has a few legos shoved into the air vents. John still hears them rattling around every damn time he turns on the heat. But he wouldn't have it any other way. His son made that car their own.

John knows how good Dean will treat the car when it gets passed down to him. But he can't tell Dean now that he will most likely get the car when he's old enough because Dean will never let it go until he's 18.

Dean is just like his daddy with taking care of important things in his life.
...And that damn car.

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