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"Do you think I will drive one of these?" Dean asks, racing his Black, Chevy Impala across the carpet in the living room. Mary watches Dean for a minute from the couch before answering.

"You never know Dean, Daddy might give you his car someday!" Mary says looking up from her book.
Dean grins widely and studies the car in his hand. Dean is very attached to that toy. He almost never goes anywhere without it. He takes it outside when he plays, he washes it as if it were a real car. But he never takes it to school because he doesn't want anyone else taking it from him. But Sam is the only exception of course.

"Awesome! I can't wait to race that car down the road!" Dean grins, running around the living room with the car in his hand. Mary laughs and shakes her head before getting back into her book. She reads a few sentences until she realizes that Sam hasn't made a noise in awhile. Normally he cries after he's in his crib for longer than an hour. He only does this when Dean is home. It's like Sam knows that Dean is playing downstairs without him and is upset because he wants to be with his big brother.

"Dean hunny? Can you please go check on your brother?" Mary calls after him as he runs out of the living room with his toy car. Dean stops in his tracks once he makes it to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yay Sammy, Sammy, Sammy, Sammy!!" Dean sings as he runs up the wooden staircase.
Mary shakes her head with a smile. She has the best boy's.

"Sammy's number one fan." She mutters to herself, continuing where she left off in her book.

Dean races his Impala along the banister as he runs up the stairs to Sam's room.

Mary stops again and thinks that maybe she should go too, she doesn't want Dean to try and pick Sam up by himself. Dean knows his limits when it comes to Sam, but sometimes if Sam is crying, Dean doesn't let anything stop him from getting to his baby brother.

Mary gets up from the couch after putting a bookmark in her book and setting it down on the coffee table. She heads up the stairs to join her two sons in Sam's room.

"Can I play with him please?!" Dean pleads, looking up at Mary with his famous pouty face once she enters the room. That iconic face sometimes works, Mary won't deny that. But Dean does know that no does mean no when his mother tells him.

"Alright, alright for a little while." Mary smiles, messing Dean's hair softly. Dean jumps in excitement and joins Sam by his crib. Sam makes a happy noise at the sight of his brother and Dean on the other hand bounces up and down in excitement as he holds onto the cribs bars. Mary walks over to the crib and reaches in to pull Sam out and sets him on the floor in front of Dean.

Dean looks down at his baby brother and grins, Sam attempts to reciprocate the exact same face back at his brother, however Dean giggles a bit instead causing Sam to giggle along with him.

Mary smiles down at them both until there's knocking at the door.

"Dean I will be right back, okay? You know the rules." Mary says, leaving them alone and heading down stairs.
Mary has told Dean the rules for playing with Sammy by himself. He can't pick him up on his own, make sure that Sam doesn't put anything in his mouth other than his pacifier or his fingers. And no running with Sam without supervision. Mary doesn't want Sam to try and run with Dean only to fall down and hurt himself. She also doesn't want Dean to trip over Sam while he's crawling on the floor under Dean's feet, trying to keep up with him.

As Mary heads down the stairs, she has a pretty good guess at who it could be on the other side of the door.


Mary turns the doorknob and there he is. She knew that it would be him. And it's about time he came home.

John gives her a sideways smile and goes to take a step into the house but Mary stops him by blocking the doorway.

"Mary, come on." John sighs, dropping his weapon duffel bag on the porch. He's tried and he just wants to come inside and talk to her.
Or try to at least.

"No you come on John. Where have you been?" Mary grumbles angrily, folding her arms over her chest. John knows that she's upset with him and he knows that he hasn't been home enough to be with his family.

"Do we really have to do this every time?" John asks, leaning against the doorway and raising his eyebrow at his wife.
John can't keep track of how many times he's come home to Mary being upset. It happens way to often, he knows but his job is important because he is saving people. Mary does understand that, but she also wants John to understand that he still has a family that he needs to be there for.

"We wouldn't have to if you were home once in awhile." Mary says, watching John sigh again and yawn afterwards. He goes to open his mouth to say something but Mary stops him with her hand while shaking her head disapprovingly.

"No John!" Mary yells, looking away from her husband.

"You have 2 boy's upstairs that haven't seen their own father in days!" She continues, pointing to the stairs behind her. John stands straight again and looks down at his feet. He understands her frustration with him. He knows that his boys haven't seen him in days. Being in such a high demanding job is harder on John than Mary thinks, then again she knows too because of where she came from.

Meanwhile, Dean can hear his parents downstairs yelling at each other and his smile fades as he glances out the doorway. He looks back to Sam and notices a few stray tears falling down his cheeks. Sam looks back at his older brother with a frown on his lips. Dean definitely taught Sam how to make facial expressions, Mary agrees.
Dean frowns as Sam looks up at him with his big hazel-green eyes, he feels a little bit of guilt that Sam has to listen to their parents fight. He won't remember this when he gets older, but the fact that he can sense the tension and frustration between their parents and he cries about it is just unbearable to Dean.

"No, no it's okay Sammy!" Dean says, taking a seat on the floor in front of Sam. Dean grabs onto Sam gently before their parents would hear the whimpering. Although, they are yelling at each other, so the odds of them hearing Sam whimper are low. Dean can take care of Sammy.

Dean sets Sam on his lap and wraps his arms around his brother tightly.

"Don't worry Sammy, I'll protect you...I always will." Dean says as a tear rolls down his cheek, landing on Sam's shoulder. Dean is a tough kid, but when it comes to seeing his brother upset and hearing his parents fight, it can get a little too much sometimes. But no matter how hard it gets, he will never tell his mum how upset he is about the fighting. If anything he'll tell them both how much he loves them and that he will always take care of Sammy.

Dean knows how unfair it is to Sam that he needs to hear the fighting. He doesn't want Sam to grow up and remember how their parents fought. Dean definitely doesn't want Sam to get married, only to fight with his wife, just like mom and dad. Sam and him will stick together until the end. They will always have each other no matter what happens.

If Dean is playing downstairs and mom and dad get into an argument, he comes up running to Sam's room to cheer himself up by making Sam laugh or giggle, hopefully drowning out the screaming coming from downstairs.

Sam is so important to Dean and Dean does not want to see him get hurt.

That's what brothers are for. They're there for each other even if Sam is a bit young to understand why. But Dean will remember how he would come to Sam to cheer up or just to have someone to be with. Sam will always be Dean's number one priority.
That will never change.

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