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"Dean?...Time to get up." Mary says quietly, rubbing Deans cheek with the back of her fingers.
Dean groans and hides his face in his pillow. Dean is just like his father, sleeping wise. Well, he's a lot like his father in more ways than one. But, Mary wouldn't have it any other way.

"Dean you have to get up its time for school!" Mary says again, hoping to get him up.
Dean does love school. He loves that he can play with his friends outside. He may not be a huge fan of the working part, but he is so likeable and outgoing that he has tons of friends. Unfortunately the downside to that is the one thing Mary fears is that they will have to move because of John's job. That would absolutely break Dean's heart to leave all his friends behind.

"Okay.." Dean mutters, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Mary smiles and rubs his back gently before he gets out of bed to have breakfast.
He is constantly hungry. Mary honestly wonders where he gets that from. Dean just loves to eat. Mary has got the odd call from the school because Dean will sneak a snack when he's not supposed to. But she has told the school countless times that she does feed him normal amounts of food at home. It's just one of his perks.

Dean heads down the stairs and skips to the kitchen with Mary right behind him.

"Cereal today sweetie?" Mary asks, watching Dean climb up on his seat at the table.

"Yes please mum." Dean answers, watching his mother prepare his food. Mary sets the bowl down in front of him and goes to the fridge for the milk.

"Can I do it mum?" Dean asks, looking up at her with a hopeful smile. Mary can't say no to that adorable face. And she thinks that Dean has figured out how to use his adorableness to win Mary over to get his way.

"Okay, but be careful right?" Mary says, setting the milk down. Dean nods and picks the milk up with both his small hands to pour over his Cheerios. He pours it slowly and only get's a little bit on the table.

"Look at you! My big, strong boy." Mary grins, tickling under Dean's chin as she takes the milk from Dean. She puts it back in the fridge and grabs a cloth to clean up the little mess that Dean made.
Dean scarfs down his cereal and races up the stairs to Sammy's room.
Mary made a rule that if Dean eats his breakfast, then he can go see Sammy after he eats

Mary shakes her head fondly as she watches Dean bound up the stairs.

"Morning Sammy!" Dean cheers as he runs in to Sam's room. Dean stands at the crib and Sam is grinning so wide at his older brother.
Nothing will ever change between them. Dean will never fail to put a smile on Sam's face. Sam makes grabby hands at Dean between the bars of the crib. Dean holds his hand out for Sam to touch. Sam holds Dean's finger for a few seconds and then Mary comes into the room to check on her boys.

"Is Sammy coming too?" Dean asks brightly once he turns to look up at Mary behind him.

"No Dean, Sammy is too little he won't be able to keep up with you and your friends through the day." Mary chuckles with a smile.

Dean has asked before and he said that 'I really want to show my friends my cool little brother! Then he can be the first baby in the whole world to have so many friends!'

Dean's sweet heart and joyful words made Mary want to cry because Dean cares about Sam so much and she thanks God everyday for it. Dean is so protective over Sam too and Mary know's that Dean will always be there for Sam when they grow up.

"Awww." Dean whines with a pouty face.
He crosses his little arms over his chest and looks up at his mother.
Mary has also seen that exact same face before when Dean can't stay up with Daddy downstairs at night.
But he has learned and understands that he has a bedtime and has to go to bed on school nights.

Before The Fire (Complete)[MAJOR EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora