Arabian Nights

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In the dead of night, in the desert where there were sands upon sands and a catchy tune was sung by a Peddler riding on their camel towards the town that held the palace.


Oh, I come from a land
From a faraway place
Where the caravan camels roam.

Where they cut off your ear/Where it's flat and immense
If they like don't your face/And the heat is intense
It's barbaric, but hey--it's home!

When the wind's at your back
And the sun's from the west
And the sand in the glass is right

Come on down,
Stop on by
Hop on a carpet and fly
To another Arabian night!

Arabian nights
Like Arabian days
More often than not
Are hotter than hot
In a lot of good ways

Arabian nights
'Neath Arabian moons
A fool off his guard
Could fall and fall hard
Out there on the dunes

~Song end~

The peddler got down from their camel and left them to rest, once they were at an empty stall. The peddler took off the hood to resemble a woman, "Oh, were you excepting a man? Well sorry about that." She said taking some sacks off from the camel.

She walked over to the empty stall and decorated it with treasures she found out in the desert, "Hey hey, I know what you're thinking since I'm a mere peddler you think I'm selling trash or something fake? Ha! No."

She grabbed a rolled-up carpet from beside the camel and laid it on a pole behind her inside the stall, "Welcome to Agrabah! City of mystery, enchantment, and valuable treasures at reasonable prices! So hop on down!" She said chuckling.

The short black-haired woman walked over to a gold and black vase, "Look at this pretty thing, perfect for decor and--".

She picked up a small jug full of water and pour it inside the vase, " Great for holding up water!" She said grinning but it quickly vanished when she saw a crack in the side of the pot as the water seeped out from it.

She grinned sheepishly and pushed the vase off to the side and it fell with a loud smash, "Eh heh, don't mind that! Here we have a beautiful bracelet!" She exclaimed as she held up a golden bracelet in view.

"The gorgeous rubies that glitter on this are beautiful but only women can wear it since it's cursed. Heh heh."

Hearing the reader's footsteps walking away, she scrambled from out of the stall to quickly block their path, "Wait, don't go!" She yelled waving her hands at them.

"I can see that you're only interested in the exceptionally rare. I think then, you would be most rewarded to consider...this." She said giving them a smirk. She cast her brown eyes to look from her left and right to make sure no one was looking and pulled out a golden Magic Lamp from out of her sleeve.

"Do not be fooled by its commonplace appearance. Like so many things, it is not what is outside, but what is inside that counts." She said taking the small top off from the lamp peeking inside.

Hearing the footsteps again she grabbed the reader by the collar of their clothing and yanked the back giving them a small glare, "Would you stop walking away from me!? That's rude!" She said with a pout.

She closed the top back onto the lamp, "This is no ordinary lamp! It once changed the course of a young man's life. A young man who liked this lamp was more than what he seemed." She whispered to them.

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