Friendship Bonding

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The poor Cup was gagged as his screams were muffled trying to call out to Mugman and his friends, but his brother and the elephant Lou was tied up to a tree. "Hold him!" snapped Brineybeard.

Shackles were placed on his feet and his hands then Hocus Pocus tied the carpet into a knot around the tree. "I'm afraid you've worn out your welcome, Prince Tasuusuu," he said smirking at the confused cup. He turned his back to him and started walking away from them, "Make sure he's never found." he told him before he went inside.

Ribby hit the cup in the back of his head knocking the poor male unconscious, "Goodnight, Sweet Prince." he cackled.

"Cup--!" Mugman closed his mouth shut as he watched in horror and anger as they dragged his unconscious brother to god knows where. He can't call his real name and if he did then the guards will have an excuse to get rid of Cuphead and himself. Mugman felt helpless as he watched the guards carried his brother out of sight and out of the palace.

"Maria! Maria!" he called out to the mermaid but found out she was knocked unconscious as well, he saw the front of her body laying on the side of the pond. He felt a rush of anger run through him and glared in the direction that evil devil went in. He will get what's coming to him!


Meanwhile, the guards were at the edge of a cliff with a knocked-out Cuphead, Croaks attached a heavy rock at the end of the chain that shackled the prince's feet. The guards laughed as Chips Bettingtan dropped the cup into the ocean water.

"You can say he's all washed up! Hahaha!" Beppi laughed as the others groaned at his bad joke. "Come on guys no need to be blue! Hehehe! Get it? 'Cause the ocean--!"

"Shut up Beppi!" barked Brineybeard as they left the cliff.

Cuphead still unconscious, the rock hits the bottom, then his turban lands next to him and the lamp containing Djimmi tumbles out. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around shock that he's underwater then his eyes landed on the lamp, with determination, he struggled to move closer to the lamp. His lungs were screaming for air but he continued on.

Soon he started to lose consciousness and falls to the sandy ocean floor and the lamp luckily unsettled by his movement rolls down and rubs against his cuffed hands. The lamp started to shake and Djimmi emerged from his home with a bath brush in his hand, a rubber duck in the other, and a shower cap on his head.

"Never fails. Get in the bath and there's a rub at the lamp." he said grinning as he squeezed the duck, "Hello." he turned his head to see an unconscious Cuphead. "Cup? Cup! Kid, snap out of it! You can't cheat on this one! I can't help you unless you make a wish. You have to say 'Djimmi I want you to save my life.' Got it? Okay. C'mon Cuphead!!" he grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. Cuphead's head goes up, then falls.

"I'll take that as a yes." he grabbed Cuphead and shot up straight out of the water and onto the cliff. Cuphead started to wake up and coughed up the water out of his lungs then he took a deep breath to get that fresh gulp of air in his lungs. "Don't scare me like that, ya goof! I thought you were trying the Great Houdini trick."

"Djimmi, I--uh, I-uh..." He couldn't get the words out or think of how to say them. So the duo just hugged each other. Cuphead's reason was that he was so grateful to have a friend like Djimmi, he saved his life! And Djimmi's reason is that he cares about Cuphead not just because he promised to set him free, he was having a lot of fun with this kid and never had this much fun with his other masters. Cuphead sounded and looked really genuine when he said he will use his last wish to set him free.

I mean he saved Cuphead without even telling him he haves one wish left, Djimmi took it upon himself to save the kid rather than just leave him there to be deceased.

Aladdin (Cuphead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now