A Whole New World

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After that whole fiasco, (Y/n) was out on her balcony watching the stars with her pet tiger.

Meanwhile, Cuphead was pacing back and forth in the courtyard, "What am I going to do? (Y/n) won't even let me talk to her. I should have known if I couldn't pull off this stupid prince wish."

Lou was watching Djimmi and the Carpet play chess as he seem interested in the gameplay, "So move!" the genie told him. The carpet moved its white piece and knocked the black piece off the board, "Hey. That's a good move. I can't believe it--I'm losing to a rug!" he threw his hands up in defeat.

Cuphead turned to Djimmi in distress, "Djimmi, I need your help."

Djimmi was wearing some shades over his eyes and grinned at the cup, "All right, sparky, here's the deal. You wanna court the little lady, you gotta be a straight shooter, do ya got it?"

"Wait, what?" Cuphead asked confused.

Djimmi made a chalkboard appear and pulled out a stick then pointed to the words as he spoke, "Tell her the...TRUTH!!!"

"No way! If (Y/n) found out I was really some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me," he said with a dejected sigh.

"A woman appreciates a man who can make her laugh!" Djimmi said appearing above the cup's head. Cuphead seemed un-amused as he walked away from the genie, "Cup, all joking aside, you really oughtta be yourself."

Cuphead glared at the red genie in annoyance, "Hey, that's the last thing I want to be. Okay, I'm gonna go see her. I gotta be smooth, cool, confident. How do I look?" he said with a grin. He propped an arm on his hip and swung the cape around his neck like a scarf.

Djimmi sighed sadly, "Like a prince." he watched Cuphead get on the Carpet as he flew up to the balcony to where the princess was. Then he looked over to the other side of the courtyard and seen Vultus--Mugman conversing with a beautiful mermaid and they seemed to be hitting it off. Seems like his brother knows what to do and what to say but the genie can't help but feel concerned for the cup.

Cuphead watched the princess from a distance, "Princess (Y/n)?" he said as he hopped off of the carpet and stood on the railing but then (tp/n) growled as he heard and saw him, startling (Y/n).

"Who's there?" She called out as she got up from the small (f/c) lounge chair in her room.

"It's me--Prince Kappu. Ahem--!" he cleared his throat, "Prince Kappu Tasse." he said in a deep voice. She rolled her eyes as she heard his voice, "I do NOT want to see you." she went back to sit down on her lounge chair as Cuphead's act dropped.

"No, no, please princess. Give me a chance." he pleaded.

"Just leave me alone!" she waved him off.

Cuphead was about to approach her but (tp/n) had blocked him from going any further and advanced on him growling at the cup. Cuphead backed up against the railing as he started to sweat nervously, "H-heheh. N-nice kitty. Down Kitty!"

Djimmi was watching the whole thing with the Carpet with his arms crossed over his chest, "So, how's our beau doing?" The carpet made a gesture to cut his neck with his tassels.

"Good Kitty, take off. Down kitty." He took the turban that was on his head and used it to brush the tiger away. (Y/n) stepped out of her room and looked at him curiously and squinted her (e/c) eyes to get a good glimpse of him. He looked familiar to her like he looks like someone she recognize. "Wait, wait. Do I know you?" she asked him.

Cuphead heard her voice and quickly put his turban back on, "Uh, no, no."

"You remind me of someone I met...in the marketplace," she said trying to get a better look at him.

Aladdin (Cuphead x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now