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Harry and Draco sat on their beds in an awkward silence.

It was comfortable before, but now it felt weird. Harry was sketching in his book as Draco just stared at the ceiling.

Draco glanced over at Harry, who was deeply focused on his drawing. Draco groaned.

"Okay, this is getting annoying. I'm bored." Draco finally said.

The two had quickly finished their assignments when they got back, only sharing a few words. What caused such a change in the atmosphere? It was a mystery to both.

Harry sighed loudly and closed his notebook. "Okay, what should we do?"

"Well, we could go back down. I have a place that I used to go to a lot as a kid during the summer, we could apparate there." Draco suggested.

"But didn't our professor say to be back before sundown? It's almost 8 at night." Harry questioned.

Draco smirked mischievously with a shrug. "How will she know if we apparate?"

Harry sat for a moment, thinking. He nodded. "Okay, why not. Let's go."

Draco stood up with a hidden smile, and they put their shoes and jackets on.

"Where is it?" Harry asked, approaching Draco with his arm raised.

"You'll see." was all Draco said before linking his arm with Harry's and apparating to his secret location.

They hit the ground with a thud, and Harry realized he was touching dirt and grass; a forest floor.

"Where are... wow." Harry stood up; his eyes darting around and observing the setting they were in.

They were in a large forest of tall trees, nothing else as far as he could see. He tilted his head upwards, and a canopy of leaves bristling in the silent wind was hanging over them and blocking the night sky.

"Come on, there's something over here." Draco exclaimed, taking Harry's wrist and pulling them to the right.

Harry looked at Draco, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Draco looked excited, happy even. His grey eyes were shining brighter, even in the night. It was different; they held emotion. Secretly, Harry hoped it would last—but he knew it wouldn't.

Harry hadn't even realized they had come to a stop. Draco nudged him in the shoulder and pointed up, and Harry noticed there was an old, abandoned tree house attached to a tree right in front of them.

"Come on, climb up!" Draco told Harry, as he grabbed the ladder and started climbing up. Harry followed cautiously, trying not to fall.

Eventually, Draco and Harry made it, and they stepped onto the creaky wood platform.

Harry smiled. "This is cool. How did you come here when you were younger?"

Draco sat down against one of the wooden railings, and Harry sat down next to him.

"The Manor is back that way," Draco pointing behind them. "a 10 minute walk from this point."

"Wow," Harry said, surprised. "So you would walk out here and hangout by yourself?"

Draco leaned back slightly, causing another creaky noise in the wood.

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