I Isabelle The Talk

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My name is Isabelle Smith.
I just turned 16 years old. I love swimming as I have always been near a beach or pool my entire life. I would go swim for hours on end after school or sports. I could always relax and clear my head there. I have been going from school to school for about six years. I am currently going to Winston High. All of the schools I go to are for ADHD and dyslexic kids like me and my friends.
My friends are Emma and Mia who are both ADHD. They are 16 years old with Emma being the oldest by two months and the youngest is Mia. I'm the second oldest. Emma is a brunette with long wavy-like hair. Her eyes are a deep blue like midnight. She is considerably tall and loves to read which is ironic since she is ADHD. Her skin is pale and she isn't skinny like most girls I've seen. She weighs about 130. She always wears her black combat boots with everything. Mia, on the other hand, is tall and skinny. She weighs about 120. Her hair is jet black with red highlights distributed out through it and is always straight. Her skin is the color of mocha and she has deep brown eyes. She hates to read but she loves being outside. So that pretty much sums up my friends.


"Isabelle!" "Hurry up your friends are waiting," her mother called up.
"Okay, I will be down in a minute," she yelled pulling her hair into a ponytail.
As she's running down the stairs she slips off the last step and falls on her hands and knees.
Both her mother and friends say in unison, " Are you-"
"I'm fine, everybody. Are you guys ready. "
"Wait, there is something I have to tell you. Guys do you mind waiting outside for a second."
"Sure," my friends say in unison.
"Um, okay, what do you have to tell me?" I asked questionably after my friends left.
She thinks about it for a moment then apparently decides it can wait. So she says, "Never-mind, it's nothing, it can wait till this evening. Bye Isabelle. I love you. Hope you have a wonderful day at school.
Emma yells into the house, "Hey Izzy are you almost done? We need to hurry and get to school."
"Yea, give me a minute," I say and run out the door.
"About time," Mia says jokingly but I can tell she is concerned. They are probably wondering what it was my mom was wanting to tell me. All I say is,
"So, you ready to go to school," trying to change the subject. It worked to my surprise, although I could tell they didn't want to drop it.


As we go to our lockers, the drama queen shows up with her little followers and absentmindedly bumps into me causing me to drop all my books and fall on the person next to me. She states sarcastically, " Oops, did I do that? I'm sorry." Her little friends all snickered and she smiled evilly.
"See you in class," she calls out.
"Klutz," I heard her tell everybody.
I tell my friends that I will meet them in science class. They call out," Don't do anything stupid Izzy."
I say ok then head off to history class.

My history class was pretty much like this: all of us are either listening to our iPods, drawing, passing notes or sleeping. There were some that were actually doing their work which was a two page test specially designed for ADHD and dyslexic kids like me. I was listening to my iPod working on my test. I blocked out everyone around me and just listened to a band called Greek Fire which I thought was appropriate since the test was on Greek gods and goddesses. Go figure. I finished my test when the bell rang. I drop my test on the teacher's desk and ran to science class. Mainly so I could see my friends and talk to them.

My science class is where I do absolutely nothing. Science is hard enough as is with all the distractions and stuff. Combine that with the taunting, infuriating, drama queen and well..... you see my point.
Science class it the same as it is every day. Only today takes the cake. Little did I know someone had stuck a punch me sign on my back and someone, no doubt one of Clarissa's clan, punches me straight in the back. My instincts kick in and I swirl around and before I can think I punch the girl twice as hard as she did to me in her stomach. I knock the wind out of her. The teacher turns, registers what is going on and tells us to behave ourselves. So much for a good interference.
My friends take off the sign and give it to me. I crumple it up and toss it into the trash can. Just another day in my life.
The rest of the day goes by in a blurry sort of way.
Finally, when I get home I can see that my mom is already on the couch waiting on me. So I toss my stuff on the hook by the door and sit down next to her. At this time, a strange man who looks strikingly like me sits down on the other side of my mom.
He is wearing a nice ocean blue business suit. He has short black hair and a nice tan. As if he is always in the sun. He has a dolphin wristband on his right hand and a shark watch on his left. Maybe he is a marine biologist or something.
There is an awkward silence then my mom speaks up and says, "Isabelle I would like you to meet your father."
My head starts spinning. My father left when I was a baby. I have never seen him in my life. Although I must say we do look alike. Still coming home to your mother and a strange man who looks familiar and then your mother basically saying, " Hi Isabelle, don't freak out but your father has come to visit you," is still pretty overwhelming. All these thoughts and emotions are starting to work their way through me. Bitterness, sadness, relief, and most of all anger.
Before I think I say," Seriously, you have got to be kidding me. I haven't seen you in 16 years and now you decide to pop up out of nowhere and-"
"Listen, I know I haven't always been there for you. Ok scratch that I haven't been there for you but that still doesn't mean I don't love you."
I take a minute to process his words. He stills loves me? Why is he here? I decide to go with the latter.
"Why are you here?" I demand.
He smiles and says,"There is much we need to talk about."

He gives me the shortest possible version of the Greek gods and goddesses. He also tells me about the monsters and demigods and about the camps for the Greek and Roman demigods. He tells me what I am and finally who he is. I interrupted about 40 times if not more. Hey, I had good reason too! Anyway after what seemed like hours when it was really about 20 minutes I say," So to sum it all up, all the Greek myths and Roman ones too are all real. The gods and goddesses, monsters, and demigods are all real. I am a demigod who father is Poseidon, Greek god of the sea, and my mother has always know who I was since I was born. Correct?"
"Well, when you put it that way-"my mother started.
"Yes," my father or should I say Poseidon, said.
"Zeus has given me exactly 30 minutes to tell you all this and about the camp. Your mother has already told me that she wants the best for you and if that means going to this camp then by all means go."
I say what has been on my mind the entire time, "What is the dolphin wristband and the shark watch for?"
He states calmly, "I know I didn't get to see you on your birthday to give you this, but these are your presents. The dolphin wristband is a shield. All you do is flip it to the inside of the band and a shield spirals out. The shark watch is a weapon. Press the first button on the side and you get an endless supply of throwing daggers. The daggers will come back to you as you throw them.Press the second button on the side and you get a sword. Your mother has told me that you are left-handed so the weapons will go on you left hand and your shield will go on your right. I had it made for you in the Cyclopes forges. You must name your sword though. It has been freshly made, therefore, you must come up a name yourself. Remember, names have power. Once you name it, the name will stick. He continued to tell me what I must do when I name it. They are both specially enchanted with magic so if you lose them they will show back up on your wrists in a few minutes."
Just then thunder rumbled which was weird considering it was nice outside.
"That's my que to leave. Just one more thing. In order to get to Camp Half-Blood you will need these." He pulls out three beautiful sea blue pearls. How I know that what they were I don't know. But I was pretty sure they were pearls. "All you have to do is say, 'I want to go to Camp Half-Blood', and step on the pearl. It will instantly take you to camp. One for you. Two for your mother so she can come back home." Thunder rumbled even louder this time.
"I think Zeus needs to calm down just a bit, don't you?" I say jokingly.
"Do not test the gods especially him." my mother says a hint of nervousness in her voice.
"She is like me don't you think?" directing the question at my mother.
"Yes, she is," my mom says flatly.
"Well I must leave before Zeus gets cranky," he adds with a smile.
He tells my mom and me goodbye before he dissolves into water.

Author's Note
This is my first story so plz no criticizing. I would like to hear what everyone thinks. Even those who do criticize my book. I would prefer if you didn't but if you do I understand. And if you have anything you would like to add. Please tell me. I am always open to new ideas and who knows it might be in the story. So random questions time: Who are your favorite character(s)? Mine are Percy and Nico. What are you? Or in other words who would your godly parent be. I would either be a daughter of Athena or a daughter of Hephaestus. Anyway there are only a couple of characters that belong to me if that. Everything else belongs to the amazing Rick Riordan. Anyway lots of percabeth action as well as the whole crew from the prophecy and then some. I will try to make it as close to the real thing as I can. I don't want to take off where Riordian ended just in case he has something planned. Anyway hope you all enjoy and comment,message,and follow me plz. Have fun reading.!!!!!! P.S. if you don't like it I understand.
Bye Everybody.

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